HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: New Waterford, Cape Breton Co., NS — Lab Mix, Female, 7 — “Sport”




HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!  Sport is home! Thanks so much to all who cared and shared her info. Sorry for the delay in updating, however we just didn’t have confirmation until now. Wonderful news for a sweet red dog. Yippee!!! (2.29.16 – 3.5.16)

Breed or Mix: Lab Mix

Sex: Female, Age: 7

Collar/Tags: Blue white and brown collar

Lost on: 02/29/2016

Area: New Waterford, Cape Breton Co., NS

Additional Notes: White chest and a typical short lab coat and it’s more red than golden

Please Contact: …


HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Found: Roaming Dog: Commercial St., New Minas, Kings Co., NS — Border Collie, Male, Adult — “Unknown”



HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! From his new friends at Cornwallis Vet: “We have found his mom! Thank you!” Thanks so much to Cornwallis Vet for keeping this sweetie safe and to all the folks that cared and shared his info. Yippee!! (2.29.16 – 2.29.16)

Breed or Mix: Border Collie

Sex: Male, Age: Adult

Collar/Tags: Microchipped (outdated info)

Lost on: 02/29/2016

Area: Commercial St., New Minas, Kings, NS

Additional Notes: We have little information about this guy. He does have a microchip but we are not able to reach anyone with the registered information. He is safe with Cornwallis Vets at this time.

Please Contact: Please cross post and if you have any information contact: Cornwallis Vets at 902-678-2731


HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Found: Roaming Dog: Sydney, Cape Breton Co., NS — Terrier Mix, Male, Adult — “Unknown”



HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! From his new Friends: “His owner was found!!!” Exciting news… yippee!! Thanks so much to all who cared and shared his info and to the kind folks who kept him safe. Thank you! (2.28.16 – 3.1.16)

Breed or Mix: Terrier Mix

Sex: Male, Age: Adult

Collar/Tags: No collar/tags

Found on: 02/28/2016

Area: 26 Holyrood Dr., Sydney, Cape Breton, NS

Additional Notes: MALE: Terrier mix, Dark tan/rust wirey coat with white blaze on chest, not wearing a collar. Found roaming on Feb.28/16.

Please Contact: …


HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: Dartmouth, Halifax Co., NS — Chocolate Lab, Male, 2 years — “Bear”



HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah! Thanks to Homeward Bound City Pound for keeping Bear safe and to all who cared and shared his info. Yippee!! (2.27.16 – 2.28.16)

Breed or Mix: Chocolate Lab

Sex: Male, Age: 2 years

Collar/Tags: Adventure time collar, rabies tag with vet number

Lost on: 02/27/2016

Area:  Dartmouth, Halifax Co., NS

Additional Notes: Went missing in the Port Wallace, Shubie Park area of Dartmouth, she is slender, chocolate lab , very friendly

Please Contact: …

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: Pleasant Valley, Yarmouth Co., NS — Jack Russell Terrier, Female, 14 — “Sadie”



HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! We thank all that cared and shared. We thank the finder for keeping sweet Sadie safe until she could be reunited with her family. Good Job! (2.26.16 – 2.27.16)

Breed or Mix: Jack Russell Terrier

Sex: Female, Age: 14

Collar/Tags: No

Lost on: 02/26/2016

Area:  Pleasant Valley, Yarmouth Co., NS

Additional Notes: Deaf and partial hearing

Please Contact: …

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Found: Roaming Dog: The Heights, Antigonish, Antigonish Co., NS — Dachshund/Poodle Mix, Male, Adult — “Unknown”



HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! From his Family: “OSCAR IS HOME SAFE AND SOUND ! “ Thanks to all who cared and shared his info. And thanks to the person that got him to safety and Animal Control for keeping him safe. Yippee!! (2.26.16 – 2.26.16)

Breed or Mix: Dachshund/Poodle Mix

Sex: Male, Age: Adult

Collar/Tags: No collar/tags

Found on: 02/26/2016

Area: The Heights, Antignish, Antigonish, NS

Additional Notes: This dog was turned over to the Town of Antigonish Animal Control. No collar/tags. The owner can contact the Animal Control Officer at the numbers below.

Please Contact: Please cross post and if you have any information contact: Antigonish Animal Control at 902-867-5588 or 902-870-7503

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: Truro, Colchester Co., NS — Beagle, Male, 2 — “Tracker”




HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! We thank all that cared and shared. Happy that he is back home! (2.26.16 -2.26.16)

Breed or Mix: Beagle

Sex: Male, Age: 2

Collar/Tags: Orange martingale style collar

Lost on: 02/26/2016

Area:  Truro, Colchester, NS

Additional Notes: Lost between Young and Pleasant maybe into Victoria Park. Heard him far away when I came home. Won’t answer to name

Please Contact: …


HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: Sherbrooke, Guysborough Co., NS — Dutch Shepherd/Lab Mix, Female, 11 months — “Lana”




HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! After looking for the 1000th time… she showed up in a stall in the barn! Yeah!! Safe and sound. Found before we could share with our followers on Facebook, but thrilled she’s home safe. (2.26.16 – 2.26.16)

Breed or Mix: Dutch Shepherd/Lab Mix

Sex: Female, Age: 11 months

Collar/Tags: Collar with a CBRM tag on it

Lost on: 02/26/2016

Area: Sherbrooke, Guysborough, NS

Additional Notes: Lana is missing in the Sherbrooke (Guysborough County) area, she has been missing since 8:00am this morning. She is wearing a collar and has a CBRM tag on. She is a brindle Dutch Shepherd/Lab mix and is 11 months old and weighs approximately 35-40lbs. She is very friendly but can be shy at first with new people. If you see her or hear anything, please call.

Please Contact: …

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: Fitzpatrick (River John), Pictou Co., NS — Border Collie, Female, 3 — “Tony”




HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! From her Family: “Our Tony has come home! After 7 1/2 hours for looking and worrying she came to the patio door wanting in, she is wet and hungry but she is home with us and safe. Thank you, Thank you for all your shares and posts . We can sleep tonight.” Thanks to all who cared and shared her information. Yippee!! (2.24.16 – 2.24.16)

Breed or Mix: Border Collie

Sex: Female, Age: 3

Collar/Tags: Red collar with her name Ned our phone number on it

Lost on: 02/24/2016

Area: Fitzpatrick (River John), Pictou, NS

Additional Notes: Timid of men but loves kids and women

Please Contact: …

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: Windsor, West Hants Co., NS — Beagle Mix, Female, Adult — “Sissy”




HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! We thank those that cared and shared. We thank the finder for keeping Sissy safe until she could be reunited with her family. (2.23.16 – 2.24.16)

Breed or Mix: Beagle Mix

Sex: Female, Age: Adult

Collar/Tags: Collar

Lost on: 02/23/2016

Area: Windsor, West Hants, NS

Additional Notes: Sissy is a smooth short haired female beagle cross. She is a very sweet dog and will come when called. Her elderly owner is in a panic trying desperately to find her. She went missing yesterday on Feb 23 which is unusual for her.

Please Contact: …