HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: Marion Bridge, Cape Breton Co., NS — Border Collie, Male, Adult — “Riley”



HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! From his very happy family: “Found the ol bugger!! Dirty and smelly, but he’s home safe. Thanks everyone ❤️“ Yes, thanks to all who cared and shared his info, yippee!!! (8.23.16 – 8.23.16)

Breed or Mix: Border Collie

Sex: Male, Age: Adult

Collar/Tags: No collar or tags

Lost on: 08/23/2016

Area: Marion Bridge, Cape Breton, NS

Additional Notes: One blue eye, one brown eye.

Please Contact: …

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Found: Roaming Dog: Victoria Park, 29 Park Rd., Truro, Colchester Co., NS — AmStaff Mix, Male, Young Adult — “Unknown”




HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! This is Timber and his Mom was thrilled to see he was found and safe. Yeah!!! Thanks so much to all who cared and shared … it works!! And thanks to Truro Police and Colchester SPCA for getting him to safety. Yippee!! (8.23.16 – 8.23.16)

Breed or Mix: AmStaff mix

Sex: Male, Age: Young Adult

Collar/Tags: No

Lost on: 08/23/2016

Area: Victoria Park, 29 Park Rd., Truro, Colchester Co., NS

Additional Notes: Bown/black/white, white right foot. He is a young short haired dog with a Right “sock” and white toes on his Left hind foot

Please Contact: Please cross post and if you have any information contact: Colchester SPCA at 902-893-7968


LOST DOG FLYER: T-Bone, Chihuahua, Female, 1.5 yrs, Greenwood, Kings, 8.21.16

FLYERS are best used to hand out when going door to door searching. Also they are appropriate for busy pedestrian traffic such as mailboxes, lamp posts near bus stops, etc., and on bulletin boards and windows of local businesses.

Please feel free to print off copies of the flyer to hand out:


This is a JPG version:



Here is a PDF version:


LOST DOG FLYER: Barbie, Longhaired Chihuahua, Female, 4 yrs, Valley, Colchester, NS, 8.21.16

FLYERS are best used to hand out when going door to door searching. Also they are appropriate for busy pedestrian traffic such as mailboxes, lamp posts near bus stops, etc., and on bulletin boards and windows of local businesses.

Please feel free to print off copies of the flyer to hand out:

JPG Format:


PDF Format:


HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dogs: Springfield, Annapolis Co., NS — Murphy: Springer Spaniel, Male, 1.5 yrs & Winston: Weimaraner, Male, 4 yrs — “Murphy and Winston”


Murphy and Winston

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! We thank all that cared and shared. “They are home!…both are fine…thanks for your help! ” (8.21.16 – 8.23.16)

Breed or Mix: Murphy: English Springer Spaniel & Winston: Weimaraner

Sex: Males, Age: Murphy: 1.5 yrs & Winston: 4 yrs

Collar/Tags: Winston has a blue collar, Winston no collar

Lost on: 08/21/2016

Area: Springfield, Annapolis, NS

Additional Notes: Winston is grey short haired and 80lbs. Murphy is brown and white and 40lbs…Murphy still looks like a puppy

Please Contact: …

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: Greenwood, Kings Co., NS — Chihuahua, Male, 1.5 years old — “TBone”





HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! From his very happy family: “He was spotted lastnight and I was able to catch him at about 1030pm last night after 3 hrs of searching from the time I got a phone call that he was seen. Thanks so much for all the shares.” Fantastic news! Thanks so much for all the caring and sharing… YIPPEE!!! (8.22.16 – 8.23.16)

Breed or Mix: Chihuahua

Sex: Male, Age: 1.5 years old

Collar/Tags: Black collar, no tags

Lost on: 08/22/2016

Area: Greenwood, Kings, NS

Additional Notes: “Scared of other dogs and will take some coaxing to get him to come to you”. NOT from the area.

Please Contact: …


LOST DOG: 424 Pictou Rd., Valley, Colchester Co., NS — Longhaired Chihuahua, Female, 4 — “Barbie”



Breed or Mix: Longhaired Chihuahua

Sex: Female, Age: 4

Collar/Tags: No collar or tag

Lost on: 08/21/2016

Area: 424 Pictou Rd., Valley, Colchester, NS

Additional Notes:

Please Contact: Please cross post and if you have any information contact: Doreen at 902-843-2224 or 902-957-6224

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: Upper Rawdon, Hants Co., NS — Beagle mix, Male, 3 — “Willy”



HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! From his friends: “ Willy has been found and is on his way home to sleep in a nice warm house tonight!” Thanks so much to all who searched, cared and shared his info… YIPPEE!!! Let the Celebrations begin!! (8.21.16 – 8.22.16)

Breed or Mix: Beagle mix

Sex: Male, Age: 3

Collar/Tags: Black leather collar with name tag, HRM civic tag, and rabies tag

Lost on: 08/21/2016

Area: Upper Rawdon, Hants, NS

Additional Notes: Short hair. White with liver spots. Medium size. About 55 lbs. Nervous dog. Beagle spaniel mix. May run if seen. DO NOT CHASE – Report sightings immediately instead, thank you.

Please Contact: …

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dogs: Caribou River, Pictou Co., NS — Gizmo: Chocolate Lab, Male, 5 & Marley: Yellow Lab, Female, 7 — “Gizmo & Marley”


Gizmo & Marley

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! From their family: “Dogs have been found and are home safe and sound. Thank you so much. Couldn’t have found them without this site!!!!” We thank all that cared and shared. IT WORKS!! We thank the finder for keeping this twosome safe and for posting on the page. Great Job! (8.21.16 – 8.21.16)

Breed or Mix: Gizmo: Chocolate Lab (130 lbs) & Marley: Yellow Lab (65 lbs)

Sex: Gizmo: Male & Marley: Female, Age: Gizmo: 5 & Marley: 7

Collar/Tags: No collars

Lost on: 08/21/2016

Area:  Caribou River, Pictou Co., NS

Additional Notes: Gizmo. Chocolate lab. 130 lbs travelling with a smaller Yellow Lab named Marley approx. 65lbs. Neither have collars.

Please Contact: …


HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: Montebello-Dartmouth, Halifax Co., NS — Yellow Lab/AmStaff Mix, Male, 6 1/2 years — “Bronx, Bronxy”



Bronx, Bronxy

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! We thank all that cared and shared. “We have found Bronx! Hes now home safe and sound. We picked him up from Homeward Bound City Pound Thank you so much” (08.21.16 – 08.21.16)

Breed or Mix: Yellow Lab/AmStaff mix

Sex: Male, Age: 6 1/2 years

Collar/Tags: Blue collar, no tags.

Lost on: 08/21/2016

Area: Montebello-Dartmouth, Halifax Co., NS

Additional Notes: His coat is shirt haired and blonde. He is very friendly, loves to play. Bronx is sometimes rough with small dogs, but he really just wants to play. He comes when called, and loves treats/food. Bronx has a poultry allergy. He is wearing a blue collar with no tags ( as we just moved and havent put his new tags on his collar yet) Bronx escaped from our yard this morning when my husband accidentally left the door open.

Please Contact: …