HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Found: Roaming Dog: Timberlea, Halifax Co., NS — AmStaff mix, Female, Young — “Unknown”


HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! This is beautiful Brooklyn and she is now back home thanks to the kind folks that kept her safe. And thank you to all who cared and shared her info. YIPPEE!! (11.26.17 – 11.27.17)

Breed or Mix: AmStaff mix

Sex: Female, Age: Young

Collar/Tags: No

Found on: 11/26/2017

Area: Timberlea, Halifax, NS

Additional Notes: FEMALE: AmStaff mix, young adult, brindle coat, with some white on chest and paws not wearing a collar. Found roaming on Nov.26/17.

Please Contact: …


HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Found: Roaming Dog: Glace Bay, Cape Breton Co., NS — Border Collie mix, Female, Senior — “Unknown”



HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! From her new friends: “This dear old soul was returned to his owners. Thank you everyone for your concern.” Thank you to those who got her to safety and all those that shared her info. Fantastic! YIPPEE!! (11.25.17 – 11.27.17)

Breed or Mix: Border Collie mix

Sex: Female, Age: Senior

Collar/Tags: No collar/tags

Found on: 11/25/2017

Area: Glace Bay, Cape Breton Co., NS

Additional Notes: This dog was found wondering around the road on Dominion St in Glace Bay Saturday evening. She has no tags or collar. She is black and brown in color and seems to have been on her own for a while. Please share this post and help find her owner. Unfortunately I can not keep this dog and I have to call the SPCA in the morning

Please Contact: Please cross post and if you have any information contact: Nova Scotia SPCA Cape Breton/Animal Control at 902-539-7722





HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dogs: Mount Uniacke, Hants Co., NS — Brutus: Rottweiller, Male, 8 Yrs & Lady: Beagle, Female, 6 Yrs — “Brutis and Lady”

Brutis and Lady

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! From their very happy family: “Got them back just now. Thanks for sharing!” That’s the best news. Thanks so much to all who cared and share their info…YIPPEE!!! (11.23.17 – 11.27.17)

Breed or Mix: Brutis: Rottweiller and Lady: Beagle

Sex: Brutis: Male & Lady: Female, Age: Brutis: 8 Yrs & Lady: 6 Yrs

Collar/Tags: Wireless fence collars. Beagle also wearing orange collar with phone number

Lost on: 11/23/2017

Area: Mount Uniacke, Hants Co., NS

Additional Notes: On the morning of Thursday Nov 23, 2017 a boxer (2 stroke) that frequently roams the neighborhood showed up in my yard. 2 of my 3 dogs while wearing their wireless fenced collars ran off with this dog on the West Lake Avenue area of Mount Uniacke near Eddy’s Store. I have found the boxer owner, and his dog is home.
My female beagle (Lady) age 6 is orange and white, wearing a wireless fence collar and orange collar.
My male rottweiller (Brutis) age 8. Tan and black, wearing a wireless fence collar.

Both dogs are friendly but likely timid on approach. There have been no sightings reported to me. Please let me know of any sightings immediately.

Please Contact: …


FOUND: Roaming Dog: Grassy Lake Dr, Ragged Lake Industrial Park, Halifax, Halifax Co., NS — AmStaff mix, Male, Adult — “Unknown”


Breed or Mix: AmStaff mix

Sex: Male, Age: Adult

Collar/Tags: Light blue/green collar/no tags

Found on: 11/23/2017

Area: Grassy Lake Dr, Ragged Lake Industrial Park, Halifax, Halifax, NS

Additional Notes: MALE: AmStaff mix, adult, brindle coat, with a white blaze on chest, wearing a light blue/green collar, no tags. Found roaming on Nov. 23/17.

Please Contact: Please cross post and if you have any information contact: Homeward Bound City Pound at 902-407-7283 or Animal Services by dialling 311



HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: Amherst, Cumberland Co., NS — Chihuahua, Male, 8 Yrs — “Cheeko”


HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! We thank all that cared and shared. Sweet Cheeko was found a block away and now is back home getting some TLC. (11.22.17 – 11.24.17)

Breed or Mix: Chihuahua

Sex: Male, Age: 8 Yrs

Collar/Tags: No

Lost on: 11/22/2017

Area: Amherst, Cumberland, NS

Additional Notes: MALE: Chihuahua, 8 years old, tan and white coat, not wearing a collar. NAME: Cheeko He went missing on Nov.22/17.

Please Contact: …




HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dogs: Coldstream, Colchester Co., NS — 2 Great Danes, Maggie: Black/White, Female, 4 & Thomas: Blue, Male 2— “Maggie & Thomas”


Maggie & Thomas

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Both Safe n’ Sound. Maggie has also been found! We wish both Thomas and Maggie a speedy recovery! (11.22.17 – 11.26.17)

NOTE: Maggie requires Medication

Breed or Mix: 2 Great Danes

Sex: Maggie: Female & Thomas: Male, Age: Maggie: 4 & Thomas: 2

Collar/Tags: ?

Lost on: 11/22/2017

Area:Coldstream, Colchester, NS

Additional Notes: Maggie is a small Great Dane – 100 lbs. She needs medication. Thomas is a large blue Great Dane 170 lbs. with natural ears.

Please Contact:…



HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Found: Roaming Dog: Terence Bay Co., NS — Jack Russell Terrier (Parson), Male, Senior — “Elvis”


HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! We thank all that cared and shared and thank his finder for all they did to find his owners. Well done! (11.21.17 – 11.22.17)

Breed or Mix: Jack Russell Terrier (Parson?)

Sex: Male, Age: Senior

Collar/Tags: Collar/tags

Found on: 11/21/2017

Area: Terence Bay, NS

Additional Notes: MALE: Jack Russell Terrier, senior, white wire and tan coat, wearing a blue collar with paw prints and an Alberta tag. Previously found but we do not have contact information for owners.

Please Contact:



HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: South End Halifax, Halifax Co., NS — Golden Retriever, Female, 7 — “Sunny”


HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah! Or will be in the morning after a sleep over at Homeward Bound City Pound. Thanks so much to all who cared and shared Sunny’s info! Yippee!! (11.18.17 – 11.18.17)

Breed or Mix: Golden Retriever

Sex: Female, Age: 7

Collar/Tags: Green Xmas scarf, tag is off

Lost on: 11/18/2017

Area: South End Halifax, Halifax Co., NS

Additional Notes: Friendly, left back yard on her own. Sometimes goes running on path in South End to Point Pleasant Park

Please Contact: …

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: Dartmouth, Halifax Co., NS — Labrador Retriever/Husky mix, Male, 9 Yrs — “Dawson”



HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! We thank all that cared and shared. We thank the finder who kept Dawson safe and got him into the care of Homeward Bound City Pound (11.18.17 – 11.19.17)

Breed or Mix: Labrador Retriever/Husky mix

Sex: Male, Age: 9 Yrs

Collar/Tags: Red collar, no tags

Lost on: 11/18/2017

Area: Dartmouth, Halifax Co., NS

Additional Notes: He did have a tag on his collar with my phone number on it, but it was ripped off on the fence when he dug out. He’s about 70 lb, mostly black and very friendly.

Please Contact:…

SIGHTED: Roaming Dog: Salmon River Rd, Valley, Colchester Co., NS — Shepard/Labrador Retriever mix, Male, Adult — “Unknown”


Breed or Mix: Shepard/Labrador Retriever mix

Sex: Male, Age: Adult

Collar/Tags: Unknown

Sighted on: 11/17/2017

Area: Salmon River Rd, Valley, Colchester, NS

Additional Notes: Sighted: Found this frightened and wet dog trying to hide behind a chair on my front porch on Salmon River Rd in Valley Colchester Co. Tried to bring him in but took off running onto the road headed towards Pictou Rd intersection, then lost sight of him.

Please Contact: Please cross post and if you have any information contact: Colchester County Animal Control at 902-897-3175

