HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: Waterville, Kings Co., NS — Siberian Husky, Male, 6yrs — “Chevy”




HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound!! Yippee!! From Chevy’s Owner: “A very large thanks to those who kept an eye out for my Chevy. The rumor is correct, as chevy wandered home after 5 hrs in woods tired but safe. Wonderful site.” Thanks to all who cared and shared… Yeah!! (1.23.15 – 1.23.15)

Breed or Mix: Siberian Husky

Sex: Male, Age: 6yrs

Collar/Tags: Black/White with red bandana around neck. Has red Name tag and Blue license.

Lost on: 01/23/2015

Area: Waterville, Kings Co., NS

Additional Notes: Lost in woods on Cambridge Mountain Rd.
Chevy is a sweet , approachable, kind, gentle Siberian Husky. Presently he’s winning a great game of hide and seek, if found please call either of the phone numbers on the tags any time of day. He loves the outdoors can be found sleeping in snow banks but im sure he would like to be back home.

Please Contact: …

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: Hammonds Plains, Halifax Co., NS — Valley Bull/Boxer Mix, Male, 9 — “Jake”





HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound!! Yeah!! From the Owners: “… my husband was driving in the yard and telling me he was in the front yard with a couple trying to catch him! So he is home safe and sound. Thank you so much.” Thanks so much for caring and sharing… Yippee!! (1.23.15 – 1.23.15)


UPDATE: Sighting: 1.23.15 – ”…running on the Hammonds planes road by the Northwood entrance. He was a brindle color and had a red color. He was running down the road and we tried to get him but he ran into the woods just down from the exit between the entrance and the IMP building.”

Breed or Mix: Valley Bull/Boxer Mix

Sex: Male, Age: 9

Collar/Tags: Red collar with a name plate saying john Clark, phone number is possibly incorrect

Lost on: 01/23/2015

Area: Hammonds Plains, Halifax Co., NS

Additional Notes: Short haired, has a lump on the top of his head and a lump on his left hind leg. He has a white chest. Short haired brown and black brindle in colour. He can be aggressive towards other male dogs if provoked. The back door was left (ajar) and he was gone for about 20 minutes before we noticed. We haven’t lived here for long it’s a very busy road and he is used to being a long ways off the road at our old house which was a big farm.

Please Contact: …

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: Amherst, Cumberland Co., NS — Shepherd/Lab Mix, Female, 4 moths — “Lily”



HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound!! Yeah!!! From her Owners: “Update…lilly has been found under the neighbors sunporch…now home enjoying all the attention.”  Thanks so much to all who cared and shared her info… just wonderful news! (1.21.15 – .1.22.15)

Breed or Mix: Shepherd/Lab Mix

Sex: Female, Age: 4 months.

Collar/Tags: Purple collar and black and red leash attached

Lost on: 01/21/2015

Area: Amherst, Cumberland Co., NS

Additional Notes: She is 4mths old part Shepard part lab with purple collar and black and red leash attached-her face is black but her body is light brown-and her little ears stand straight up.

Please Contact: …

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: Pictou Co., NS — Yorkie., Male, 6 months old — “Scruffy”


Scruffy     ***Photo of Scruffy’s Dad – They Look Similar***

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound!! Yeah!! This sweetie was found in a nearby graveyard, taking shelter…so glad he’s back home. Thank you to all who cared and shared. (1.19.15 – 1.23.15)

Breed or Mix: Yorkie

Sex: Male, Age: 6 months old

Collar/Tags: None

Lost on: 01/19/2015

Area:  Pictou, NS

Additional Notes: Long haired black and tan – will go to anybody – kind, loving little boy – only weighs 4 pounds.

Please Contact: …

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Sucker Brook Rd., Lower Sackville, Halifax Co., NS — Chihuahua, Male, 6 — “Skippy”



HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound!! Yippee!! From his Owner: “Skippy has been found and is on his way home now. (He) was singing the song of his people (in the car).” So thrilled for this brave wee dog. Great work by his owners and thanks to all who cared, shared and reported sightings. Yeah! (1.21.15 – 2.1.15)

Breed or Mix: Chihuahua

Sex: Male, Age: 6

Collar/Tags: No collar

Lost on: 01/21/2015

Area: Sucker Brook Rd., Lower Sackville, Halifax Co., NS

Additional Notes: Small black and white dog wearing a grey coat. Last seen on Cobequid Rd., after Sucker Brook heading towards Waverley.

Please Contact: …


RAINBOW BRIDGE: Passed Away: Lost Dog: Lorne, Pictou Co., NS — German Shepherd/Husky Mix, Male, 13 1/2 years — “King”



RAINBOW BRIDGE: Passed Away – It is with a heavy heart that we share that beautiful King has passed away. Thank you goes out to those that got King the help he needed to pass over and those that shared his info. We send our deepest condolences to King’s family and friends at this difficult time. We hope that in time you will feel only joy with memories of King, but time to grieve is important, so we wish you peace and comfort as well. (1.20.15 – 1.22.15)

Breed or Mix: German Shepherd/Husky Mix

Sex: Male, Age: 13 1/2 years

Collar/Tags: Red colar

Lost on: 01/20/2015

Area:  Lorne, Pictou Co., NS

Additional Notes: He is wearing a red collar , Shepherd Husky Mix, he is short and small size.

Please Contact: 

RAINBOW BRIDGE: Passed Away: Lost Dog: East Mountain, Colchester Co., NS — Husky, Male, 7 1/2 months — “Titan”



RAINBOW BRIDGE: Passed Away – We are so sad to report that beautiful Titan has passed away. Heartfelt condolences go out to Titan’s Family and Friends. We wish you peace and comfort in knowing that Titan will forever be safe in your hearts. (1.19.15 – 1.20.15)

Breed or Mix: Husky

Sex: Male, Age: 7 1/2 months

Collar/Tags: Blue Collar

Lost on: 01/19/2015

Area: East Mountain, Colchester Co., NS

Additional Notes: White with black grey husky markings. Eye area looks like a bandit mask white with darker rings

Please Contact: …


LOST DOG: ***STOCK PHOTO*** 20D Greystone Dr., Spryfield, Halifax Co., NS — Shih tzu/Maltese Mix, Male, 4 month puppy — “Champ”


Champ         ***STOCK PHOTO***      Not Actual Dog

Breed or Mix: Shih tzu/Maltese Mix

Sex: Male, Age: 4 month puppy

Collar/Tags: Black collar no tags

Lost on: 01/19/2015

Area: 20D Greystone Dr., Spryfield, Halifax, NS

Additional Notes: My dog champ was on his leash in my backyard and when I went to let him in it seems his leash snapped and he got away so he most likely has a red leash attached to his black collar. He is white with some black in him very happy puppy soft coat of hair. He was missing since early this afternoon being January 19th 2015 – I really hope I find my little man

Please Contact: Please cross post and if you have any information contact: Taran, taranplante@gmail.com 902 293 5390 or Dave at 902 293 5390

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Found: Roaming Dog: Saulnierville, Digby Co., NS — English Springer Spaniel Mix, Female, Adult — “Unknown”




HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! We thank all that cared and shared. Her owner was located. (1.18.15 – 1.18.15)

Breed or Mix: English Springer Spaniel Mix

Sex: Female, Age: Adult

Collar/Tags: None

Lost on: 01/18/2015

Area: Saulnierville, Digby, NS

Additional Notes: Very kind dog

Please Contact: …

SIGHTED: Roaming Dog: Grittin Ave Area, Sydney, Cape Breton Co., NS — Akita Mix / Anatolian Shepherd Mix, Male?, Adult — “Unknown”




Breed or Mix: Akita Mix / Anatolian Shepherd Mix

Sex: Male?, Age: Adult

Collar/Tags: Blue collar

Sighted on: 01/17/2015

Area: Grittin Ave Area, Sydney, Cape breton, NS

Additional Notes: This poor doggy is lost outside in this freezing cold around the Gritton Rd area of Sydney. Was curled up on my friend’s neighbors step howling and crying but they couldnt get close enough to get them. She/he ran somewhere and we can’t find her/him. If anyone sees her/him and can’t take her/him in for the night, we will come and take her until we find a place. Its toooo (darn) cold outside for her to be out. Please share her picture and Sydney people keep an eye open! Thanks!

Please Contact: Please cross post and if you have any information contact: Tracy, tmmoore26@hotmail.com 902-217-5161 or Kiersten ….902-304-0576  or the CB SPCA/Animal Control at 902-539-7722