HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah! We thank all that cared and shared and for the finder for keeping her safe. “THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH. Cheesecake has been found and returned safe and sound to us. We are so thankful for this wonderful service. With much gratitude …The Rand Family and Cheesecake.” (6.15.15 – 6.16.16)
Breed or Mix: PUG
Sex: Female, Age: 2
Collar/Tags: Microchipped
Lost on: 06/15/2015
Area: Pereaux, Kings Co., NS
Additional Notes: Black pug, microchipped. Wonderful temperament, very friendly. Loves everyone. She was with us on our morning walk, we would have been … ahead of her when a neighbour stopped us on the side of the road and said they saw her and occupants of a gold coloured vehicle stopped trying to call her. I am sure they were thinking she was lost, and hoping that they picked her up to do the right thing and try to find her owners. We immediately back tracked on our walk and she was nowhere to be seen. We have not heard or seen of her since that morning.
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