Happy Ending: Safe n Sound: Winnie: Senior Poodle Mix, apricot/blonde, female, 13 yrs old – Charles Rd, Glengarry Estates, Timberlea

LOST DOG: Winnie: Senior Poodle Mix, apricot/blonde, female, 13 yrs old - Charles Rd, Glengarry Estates, Timberlea

Winnie has been FOUND! After being spooked by the recent thunder and lightening storm Winnie went missing.  Through her family’s diligence by contacting so many people and with our support they put up posters all over. The community even came together to search for Winnie. YEAH!

A little girl, after seeing a Winnie poster, came to their door and told them she had seen their dog run across the road.  Finally they had a sighting.  Near the area there had been a cat oddly staring at a bush. They checked the bush but did not see Winnie.  The next day they went out to search again and their young (2 year old son) said – “Winnie bush” – so they checked the bush again .. and there was Winnie!!!!

She is doing fine and they have been intouch and will stay in touch with the emergency vets in case she shows any signs of distress from her adventure.

So happy to know Winnie is Safe n Sound!

Glengarry Estates/Timberlea/. Winnie is 13 years old. She is a Blonde/Apricot Poodle Mix She is spooked by the thunder which is why she ran away. Please check your yards, decks, and outbuildings!

HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n' Sound: Found: Roaming Dog: Boston Terrier, Brindle/white – MacDonal Bridge Plaza, Dartmouth, NS

HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n' Sound: Found: Roaming Dog: Boston Terrier, Brindle/white - MacDonal Bridge Plaza, Dartmouth, NS

HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe and Sound… thanks to all who took such great care of this little boy and to those who spread the word.

Found dog: Dartmouth/ MacDonald Bridge plaza area Boston Bull Terrier/ Male neutered wearing a brown flea collar. The finders had him checked for a micro chip and he does not have one. They have notified AC. He is safe and being looked after. Do you know of anyone missing their dog.

HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n' Sound: Lost Dog: Christie: Yorkie Mix, female, pink collar – Young St, Halifax

Home Safe n' Sound: Lost Dog: Christie: Yorkie Mix, female, pink collar - Young St, Halifax

Happy Ending: Home Safe n’ Sound: Christie has been found, behind a coffee shop that she frequented with her owner!

LOST DOG: HRM, Female: 1 year old Yorkie mix. Small. Brown/Black/Tan Baby pink collar. Name: CHRISTIE Bolted during fireworks at 10:30pm Sunday night from 6338 Young street. She may be trying to get to WALNUT STREET. Sighted Aug. 1st. on Quinpool and Preston St.


HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n' Sound: Lost Dogs: Chocolate Lab, and a Terrier Mix – Williamswood Area, NS

LOST DOGS: Chocolate Lab, and a Terrier Mix - Williamswood Area, NS

Happy Ending: Home Safe n’ Sound… Yippee!!

There’s 2 missing dogs in the Williamswood area. One is a chocolate lab and goes by the name Kaden. The other one is a Terrier mix. The people who lost them are from Ontario and would love your help to find them again. If you have any information you can call

HAPPY ENDING: Going Home Safe n' Sound: Lost Dog: Luna, Golden Retriever, Female, 3 yrs old, Visiting from Austria – Citadel Hill, HRM

LOST DOG: Luna, Golden Retriever, Female, 3 yrs old, Visiting from Austria - Citadel Hill, HRM

Happy Ending: Luna was found by two young men and brought to the vet where she is safe and sound.  Well done people… thank you so much for sharing the word.  Brilliant!!

LOST DOG: Ran scared from owners watching Fireworks on Citadel Hill, July 31/11. Golden Retriever Female 3years old Name: Luna. Last seen that night on University Ave. Wearing a brown collar and trailing a blue retractable leash. Owners from AUSTRIA. Please contact the

HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n' Sound: Lost Dog: Charlie: Dachshund, male, tan – 45 Carmans Dr, Lawrencetown, HRM, NS

LOST DOG: Charlie: Dachshund, Yorkie, male, tan - 45 Carmans Dr, Lawrencetown, HRM, NS

Happy Ending: Charlie is home safe and sound… YIPPEEEEEEE!!!! Thanks eveyrone!! August 2, 2011

LOST DOG: Lawrencetown, HRM, 45 Carmans Drive. Male Daschund – tan. Name is Charlie. Charlie was not wearing a collar but is micro chipped. He is very frightened and very timid and may try to bite. Last seen around the woods off Doherty Drive. Please use a calm approach. Please call Keri at 830-5408 or Heather at 757-0497.

RAINBOW BRIDGE: Sunny: Lab/Husky, male, blonde – Musquodoboit Harbour, NS

RAINBOW BRIDGE: Sunny: Lab/Husky, male, blonde - Musquodoboit Harbour, NS

Rainbow Bridge: We are so sad to have to share the news that Sunny has passed away.  Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family and we are just thankful that they know what happened.  Though, so terribly, terribly sad.

LOST DOG: Head of Jeddore, Mosher Ln. Male Dog; Lab/Husky mix Name: Sunny. He was lost in Musquodoboit Harbour around Sammy Keizer`s Auto, Musquodoboit Harbour on Jul 29th around 6:30pm/ 7pm. He is medium build and has a blue collor on with white paw prints. If you have any info please email or phone us at…

HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n' Sound: Found: Roaming Dog: Bouvier des Flandres, male, neutered – South End Halifax Peninsula, HRM, NS

FOUND: Roaming Dog: Bouvier des Flandres, male, neutered - South End Halifax Peninsula, HRM, NS

HAPPY ENDING: Sampson is going home thanks to Floyd who took such great care of him, his neighbours who offered up some essentials like leash, food, etc., and to all of you who helped.  Sweet!!

Found this dog in South End Halifax on July 31st around 11am. He’s male, neutered, Bouvier des Flandres and appears well cared for. Please call if you have any information or are the owner: 

He is quite the charmer!

HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n' Sound: Lost Dog: Birke: Pyrennese Mountain Dog, female, white, no collar – Grafton, Waterville, Annapolis Valley, NS

LOST DOG: Birke: Pyrennese Mountain Dog, female, white, no collar - Grafton, Waterville, Annapolis Valley, NS

Our dog , pyrennean mountaindog, white, female, was not as usual on the farm( that she normally never leaves). We heard that there had been quite a heavy thunderstorm in the area. So we fear she might have run away in a panic. We are living in the Annapolis Valley, Grafton, part of Waterville, at the foot of the North Mountains. The biggest problem is, that she never wears a collar on the farm. Her name is “Birke”. Please help us!

HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n' Sound: TWO Purebred German Shepherds: 1 Male, Mostly Black, 1 Female, Nursing – 7503 Hwy #14, Nine Mile River, NS

Happy Ending: These two went for a little adventure, on their own, and are home safe n’ sound now.  Thanks everyone!

LOST DOGS: TWO Purebred German Shepherds: 1 Male, Mostly Black, 1 Female, Nursing - 7503 Hwy #14, Nine Mile River, NS

PLEASE HELP !! My dogs have vanished 40 min ago. They are purebred german shepherds. The male is mostly black as seen in the pic. Girl has 8 puppies here 14 days old. She would not leave her puppies for anything and they never leave the yard. . I am afraid they have been stolen.  Please watch for them not only in yards but in cars.  They boy would take up alot of room he is about 85 lbs.