LOST DOG: Leah: Shih Tzu/Spaniel Mix, female, 5 yrs old, black harness - St James, Old Route 5, Cape Breton
LEAH has been FOUND! Here is the email we got from someone helping her family find her:
“Happy, happy day!!!!!!! LEAH HAS BEEN FOUND!!!!!!!!!! She is safe in the arms of her owners. She was spotted but wouldn’t come to anyone. I had bought some chicken and fries for her owners as they weren’t eating and when she wouldn’t come I told them to use thbe chicken and it worked. She was thirsty and hungry but otherwise looks well. Thankyou for being there and all your help.Keep my e-mail incase you need me out this way.”
LOST DOG: Big Bras D’Or/ Victoria County FEMALE DOG: Shih Tzu Mix – looks like a Japanese Chin – wearing a black harness. She is 10-12 lbs. 5 yrs. old
Name: LEAH Last seen by St. James/ Old Route 5. Tourists from the US visiting N.S.