SIGHTING: HRM – Roaming dog across from Shoppers Drug Mart on Joe Howe Dr., moving towards Bayers Road. Time: Approx 8:50pm Tuesday 09/08/11
Type of Dog: husky mix, short hair, older dog running off leash. He was moving at a fast pace and looked like he might have had a mild limp. Sighter tried to lure him with treats to the safety of her car. Please keep your eyes out for this dog!
SIGHTED: Roaming Dog: Husky Mix, short hair, older, slight limp – Joe Howe Dr towards Bayers Rd, HRM 20:50 Aug 9/11
HAPPY ENDING: Safe n Sound: Roaming Dog: Shepherd/Husky/Lab Mix, male, black, brown leather collar – Between Gates Rd & Boutilliers Pt Rd, SWIMMING IN Hacketts Cove
OWNER LOCATED – Buddy is on his way home! Special thank you to Phoebe and her family for taking such great care of this dog!
FOUND DOG: Hackett’s Cove by the Finer Diner – swimming in the cove between Gates Road and Boutiliers Point Road Male Dog: Shep/Husky Lab mix (?) wearing a brown leather collar with bronze round grommets. If you know who owns this dog ….
FOUND: Roaming Dog: Yellow Lab, male, neutered, wearing bright yellowish collar – Town of Windsor/West Hants, NS
FOUND DOG: Town of Windsor/ West Hants in the care of HANTS SPCA Male: Yellow Lab – neutered, wearing a bright yellowish colored collar. Has just been Vet checked, needled and treated with Revolution and transferred to the boarding kennel. He is very friendly, affectionate, knows how to shake paws etc. If you know who this dog belongs to please contact Tammy at 902-253-8002 or email They are calling him Duke.
FOUND: Roaming Dog: Lhasa Apso Mix, male, ~20lbs, senior – Windsor Junction, HRM, NS
FOUND DOG: Windsor Junction Male: possible Lhasa mix – Unaltered No collar not chipped. approx. 20lbs. Appears to be a senior – his eyes are slightly cloudy. If you know who this dog belongs to please contact Danielle @ 441-6756
HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n' Sound: Found: Roaming Dog: Terrier Mix, Wired Hair, male, 20-30lbs, Brown/Black/White – Hwy 277, Dutch Settlement, NS
Happy Ending: Thanks to Tara who kept this old guy safe he is back home… Caper is a 16 yr old senior!! You would never guess from his photos… adorable!! Stay home Caper, it’s safer than wondering. Yippee!!! So glad you are home with your young owner Caper. Thanks to everyone who cared, and shared.
FOUND DOG: Dutch Settlement – found wondering on highway 277. Male: Terrier mix, unaltered around 20 – 30lbs, possibly has some Jack Russell in him. He is not micro chipped & only has a flea collar on. He is friendly but a little timid. He is beige, tan, & white. The Finder who is keeping him safe already took him to be scanned – he is not micro chipped. Please call … if you know this dog. PLEASE CROSS POST
LOST DOG POSTER: Finnegan – Click on the link to download a .pdf version of the poster or just use the jpg poster on the right.
Here is the PDF version of the poster:
HAPPY ENDING: Going Home Safe n' Sound: Found: Roaming Dog: Lab/Hound Mix, male, black/red/white, black collar – Lantz/Elmsdale, NS
HAPPY ENDING: This boy is going home… Yippee!! Thanks Holly for taking such good care of him and for everybody that shared the news. Yeah!!!
I found a dog in Lantz/Elmsdale, he broke his blue leash it looks like. He looks shy and timid, very friendly. He looks like he is half rottie/begale/lab. He is wearing a black collar and a choke chain, he seems to be a house dog. If anybody knows or lost this dog please call … thank you.
HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n' Sound: Lost Dog: Finnegan: Hound/Lab Mix, Tri coloured, Black/Brown/White, Senior – Truro Heights Rd, Truro Heights, Ns
HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n’ Sound: From the Owner:
“As of about 15 minutes ago we have our Finnegan home safe and sound. He was about ½ mile down the road. He was found through a series of continual phone calls, the flyer I handed out, and a lot of persistent pounding the streets. You and your website provide a lot of useful information/suggestions and ideas. Keep doing what your doing cause without the services provided by you, me may have found Finnegan but it wouldn’t have been today probably a lot longer into the future.Thanks and many blessings upon you, your family, and your network of contacts.
Colin Nickerson and Finnegan”
Thank you everyone in our Network… you guys are awesome and are making a difference!! (AnnM)
LOST DOG: TRURO/Truro Heights Rd, Truro Heights Male/ SENIOR mixed breed dog/ hound mix? 12-13 years old. Name: Finnegan – He was wearing a red harness that was attached to his chain, and somehow he slipped out of the harness. He went missing Aug.7/11 between 9-10pm when outside for his nightly business break. Please cross post. If you see please contact his owner…
HAPPY ENDING: Safe n Sound: Joey: Miniature Poodle, black, male, red collar, larger at 30lbs – Brockhurst Close, Clayton Park, HRM, NS
LOST DOG: Clayton Park/9 Brockhurst Close (Lacewood/Dunbrack area) Male Miniature Black Poodle – 30 lbs – on the big side – wearing a red collar Name:Joey Please cross post
HAPPY ENDING: Safe n Sound: Willis: Pug, Fawn (beige), 9 months old – East Uniacke Rd, near Mackenzie Dr, Mount Uniacke, NS
HAPPY ENDING: Safe n Sound: Willis is HOME!!!! After NINE days of postering, searching, spreading the word, establishing a live trap, rallying the community and neighbours Willis came home. He followed what seems to be our pattern in fear and flight dogs. There were some sightings but he wouldnt come to people out of fear then finally no sightings for five days (typical and we can only imagine they are staying put some where calming down after being exhausted from running the first few days) but yesterday there were THREE sightings. Willis was still calming and not quite ready to come to people but figuring it out. Today a neighbour called to say Willis was just in their backyard. Willis’ owner went over and calmly called Willis… he took a minute then ran right to her! YAY!! WILLIS!!!! Everyone is overjoyed!!! Thanks to all who helped in keeping the search going, searching and postering and spreading the word.