FOUND: Roaming Dog: In tatamagouche about 2 months ago….terrier mix,gray/black..bad teeth….shes about 10..i had to to the vet…she has been spayed they felt the scar…i had her treated and needled..posted adds on kijiji and around town no one has claimed her..I need help finding her owners…my number is 657-2631 my name is jenna
FOUND: Roaming Dog: Terrier/Poodle Mix, spayed female, gray/black, ~10 yrs old – Tatamagouche, NS
LOST DOG: Bowser: Yellow Lab, neutered male, 4 yrs old, no collar, friendly – Main St Area, Middleton, Annapolis Valley, NS

LOST DOG: Bowser: Yellow Lab, neutered male, 4 yrs old, no collar, friendly - Main St Area, Middleton, Annapolis Valley, NS
LOST DOG: Middleton/Annapolis Valley/Main St. Area went missing on Aug.17th MALE: Yellow Lab (large) – 4 years old, not wearing a collar, neutered – Very Friendly. NAME: Bowser Have you seen this dog? Please contact Andrea at 902- 824-1516
HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n' Sound: Lost Dog: Chester: Shih Tzu, intact male, blonde, 3.5 yrs old – Plummer Ave, New Waterford, Cape Breton, NS

LOST DOG: Chester: Shih Tzu, intact male, blonde, 3.5 yrs old - Plummer Ave, New Waterford, Cape Breton, NS
HAPPY ENDING: Chester is home, safe n’ sound after he followed two kids home and had a sleep over!! Thanks for keeping him safe! And thanks to everyone that shared the news about Chester. Yippee!! Updated: Aug 19/11
LOST DOG: New Waterford/Cape Breton Male: Shih Tzu – unaltered, 3 1/2 years old. Name: Chester – went missing Aug.18th pm. Please cross post and please contact … if you see this dog. He is friendly – may be a bit shy and nervous.
HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n' Sound: Lost Dog: Julius: Yellow Lab, neutered male, collar and purple leash attached, friendly – Superstore, Barrington St, Halifax, NS
HAPPY ENDING: Julius is home, safe and sound… thanks to Janet and Blaine for making this happen. AWESOME! Thanks to all who were so quick to put up posters and go looking for Mr. Julius. The owners have move here from California just recently, and are truly impressed with your efforts… and so thankful!
Missing Yellow Lab from Superstore on Barrington St., Hfx around 2200 this evening.
Julius is a 4 yr old, neutered, friendly, yellow lab, wearing a prong collar, purple leash (with sm plastic bags attached).
FOUND: Roaming Dog: Lab, yellow, male, ~ 5 months old – Barra Glen Rd, Highland Hills Area, Victoria County, Cape Breton

FOUND: Roaming Dog: Lab, yellow, male, ~ 5 months old - Barra Glen Rd, Highland Hills Area, Victoria County, Cape Breton
FOUND DOG: Iona/ 225 Barra Glen Rd. Highland Hills area/ Victoria County Cape Breton Male: Yellow Lab – appears to be 4- 5months old. wearing a homemade collar. Finder is keeping him safe and inside her home. Please call Norma at 902–725-1223 or 902- 371-5813. Please cross post so we can get this pup home
SIGHTED: Roaming Dog: Lab Mix, black – Bayers Rd near Bayers Park Apartments, Halifax, NS
Update: Aug 17/11 We believe this dog has been picked up and is safe and sound. Thanks everyoone!!
At 12:45 today, Tuesday, August 16, 2011, I was on Bayers’s Rd near the Bayers Park apartments (by the mall). and saw a black lab or mix near the road. i couldn’t see an owner and was not in a position to pull over. The dog had a red/brown collar, slight greying of muzzle, looked happy and healthy.
FOUND: Roaming Dog: Beagle: Chocolate Tri, intact male, adult – MacPhee's Corner Area, Shubenacadie, NS
FOUND: Bealge, Chocolate Tri with slightly open markings – …MacPhee’s Corner Area Shubenacadie. He is brown & white, un-neutered, 5 or 6 years old. Had been running the neighborhood for atleast 4 or 5 days…I am afraid he was going to get struck by a car, so I’ve taken him in for now. He must be someone’s pet.
Please help me find his owners!
LOST DOG POSTER: Walker: Newf/Collie Mix, male, black with white – Lawrencetown, NS
LOST DOG POSTER: Walker: Newf/Collie Mix, male, black with white – Lawrencetown, NS
This is the .pdf file… simply download it and print. Thank you.
Or simply print off a .jpg copy from the poster on the right:
HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n' Sound: Lost Dog: Walker: Border Collie/Newfoundland Dog Mix, intact male, medium size, black with white, long haired – Nelson Drive, East Lawrencetown, NS

LOST DOG: Walker: Border Collie/Newfoundland Dog Mix, intact male, medium size, black with white, long haired - Nelson Drive, East Lawrencetown, NS
HAPPY ENDING: Walker walked himself home today… Yippee!!! Home safe and sound!! Good Boy!! Thanks everyone for sharing and caring!! Updated Aug 16, 2011
LOST DOG: Walker is an unneutured male medium size black with white on chest
long haired part Newfoundland part Border Colllie – friendly.
Missing from East Lawrencetown since 7:00 am this morning.
If found, please call
HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n' Sound: Lost Dog: Missy: Beagle: 10 yrs old, female, tri-coloured – Smith Lake/Nineveh Area, New Germany, Lunenburg Co., NS

HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n' Sound: Lost Dog: Missy: Beagle: 10 yrs old, female, tri-coloured - Smith Lake/Nineveh Area, New Germany, Lunenburg Co., NS
HAPPY ENDING: Home safe n’ sound after THREE WEEKS wondering the woods… AMAZING Senior Dog!! A wonderful Natural Resources woman found her last Wednesday and took care of Missy until she could be re-connected with her family this evening. And how did they connect… the owner was talking with people at work about her missing dog… spreading the word is the best way to get your lost dog home. However, Missy went above and beyond… this is just fantastic, wonderful, incredible… so happy!! Updated: Monday, August 15, 2011
LOST DOG: Lunenburg County/ New Germany/ Smith Lake – Nineveh area Female: BEAGLE – 10 years old. Name is Missy. She was wearing a red collar with paw prints. …