FOUND DOG:Sydney/ Cottage Rd/ close to the Cape Breton Regional Hospital. MALE: appears to be a lab cross, wearing a black collar with studding. Appeared on the finders porch on Sat. Oct 22/11 and has not left. The dog is friendly but appears to be thin. If you know someone whose dog is missing please contact Elsie @ 902-577-7602 or
FOUND: Roaming Dog: Lab Mix, blonde/red, male, black collar, friendly – Cottage Rd, Sydney, NS
HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n' Sound: Lost Dog: Pom/Chihuahua Mix, male, blonde, 8-9 months old, red collar – Reserve Mines, Cape Breton

HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n' Sound: Lost Dog: Pom/Chihuahua Mix, male, blonde, 8-9 months old, red collar - Reserve Mines, Cape Breton
HAPPY ENDING: Taz is home safe and sound!! He was NOT hit by a car as rumoured, but simply picked up and taken to safety. Thanks so much to the kind person who saved this little dog, by getting him off the road. And thanks to all the people that shared and cared by spreading the word about lost Taz. Awesome when people do the right thing!!! Yippee… Safe and Sound!! Updated Oct 23/11
LOST DOG: Reserve Mines/Ultramar Garage/CB Co. MALE: Pom/Chi mix, 8-9 months old, wearing a red collar, may have a piece of chain attached. NAME: Taz Please cross post and please contact …
SIGHTED: Roaming Injured Dog: Terrier Mix, reddish/blonde, small, "Benji-Like" – Ankerville St, Sydney, NS

SIGHTED: Roaming Injured Dog: Terrier Mix, reddish/blonde, small, "Benji-Like" - Ankerville St, Sydney, NS
SIGHTED: roaming dog. Sydney (Ankerville Street area) Terrier mix – looks like “Benji” from the movies. He still has a 6ft leash attached. He/she needs medical attention. He/she has been hit by a car… witnessed. They have not been able to catch this dog yet. If you have any information on a missing dog matching this description please contact the Sydney SPCA: (902) 539-7722. If anyone is able to go out and help look for this dog it would be greatly appreciated.
Latest: Still not found: “Has a 6ft dark colored leash still attached to him. Located in the Ankerville St/ Rotary drive area in Sydney. Will bark when approached. May be injured, I couldn’t tell, it’s too dark outside. Use caution when approaching, he growls and barks. Call the SPCA if found (539-7722) (emergency pager 558-9356 – if someone finds him tonight)“
SIGHTED: Roaming Dog, medium size, short hair, white with brown spots, long stand up ears – Miller Road, Truro, NS
ROAMING DOG: Truro/ Miller Road Area – There has been a stray dog roaming the neighborhood of Miller Road in Truro for about a week now. It won’t let anybody get close to it and will run away if it sees anyone. A few of the neighbors have been putting food out for him/her. It must be someone’s pet, it still has it’s leash attached to it and I’m scared that it’s going to get caught on sometthing. It’s a medium size, short hair dog, white with brown spots and long stand up ears. IF you know anyone that is missing their dog PLEASE contact Denise for more information on the sightings@ 902-899-3330
HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n' Sound: Lost Dog: Yoshi, Teacup Poodle, white, senior 13 yrs old – Hwy 10, Cookville Area, Lunenburg Co., NS

HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n' Sound: Lost Dog: Yoshi, Teacup Poodle, white, senior 13 yrs old - Hwy 10, Cookville Area, Lunenburg Co., NS
HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n’ Sound: Yoshi is HOME!!! Yippee!!! Such great news, thanks everyone… awesome!! Updated October 23/11
LOST DOG: Cookville area of Lunenburg Co./Highway 10 MALE: Teacup poodle – white, 13 years old, weighs only about 3lbs., wearing a black collar – He’s missing the front half of his lower jaw and so he looks like he is sticking his tongue out all the time. NAME: Yoshi. He went missing just before midnight on Oct. 21/11. Please cross post and Please if you have any information … Let’s get this wee SENIOR boy HOME!
HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n' Sound: Lost Dog: Molly: Chocolate Lab Pup, 6 months old, two collars (1 red, 1 green) – Little Brook Rd, Brookfield/Hilden Area, Colchester Co., NS
HAPPY ENDING: Molly is Home Safe and Sound!!! Yippee!!! Good Puppy! Thanks to everyone for sharing Molly’s info and helping her family and this young puppy. Terrific news!! Updated October 23/11
LOST DOG: Brookfield/Little Brook Road – Hilden area/ Colchester County FEMALE: Chocolate Lab – 6 months old, wearing two collars – one red and one green collar. NAME: Molly – she went missing on Oct. 21/11 at approx 7:30 pm. Please cross post and please … ***** STOCK PHOTO – NOT MOLLY *****
FOUND: Roaming Dog: Shih Tzu: male, flowered collar, white/black, adult, friendly – Hawthorne St, Antigonish, NS

FOUND: Roaming Dog: Shih Tzu: male, flowered collar, white/black, adult, friendly - Hawthorne St, Antigonish, NS
FOUND DOG: Antigonish/201 Hawthorne St./Antigonish Co. MALE: Shih Tzu wearing a white flowered collar, age unknown. Very friendly. Brought into Brendans Fairway around Noon, Oct.21/11. Please cross post and if you know who is the owner is please contact Michelle or Gordie @ 867-3450. Thank you for keeping this wee one safe.
This is an important government download with very helpful information on how to keep your dog safe during trapping season. The Coyote Cull is back on this year, so more trapping than we are used to… know your area well, keep your dog safe and carry wire cutters with you on hikes. Please read and share this link, it’s very good… showing how to release your dog from traps, etc.
Also, please learn more about coyotes here:
Frequently Asked Questions about Eastern Coyote in Nova Scotia
LOST DOG: Ellie: Husky, female, adult, short, black/white, shaved hind end, timid, micro chipped – 105 Cow Bay Rd, Eastern Passage, HRM, NS

LOST DOG: Ellie: Husky, female, short, black/white, shaved hind end, timid, micro chipped - 105 Cow Bay Rd, Eastern Passage, HRM, NS
LOST DOG: Eastern Passage/105 Cow Bay Rd/Eastern Passage Vet Clinic FEMALE: Husky, very short,black and white, and my hind end is shaved from previos attack from other animal. Very timid. Micro chipped. NAME: ELLIE Recent rescue dog – I am a very non-aggressive dog but I am scared of people especially men….very friendly with other pets. Please cross post and please contact Lorelle 256-2003 or Rena 830-2262 LEAVE msg at first number if we do not pick up or email @ LEFORTE34@GMAIL.COM
(Though Ellie is shy the new owner says “If you can at all catch her she would never hurt you” – she was newly adopted and is very sweet”. So if you see her use a gentle approach)
Resolved: Available for Adoption: Found: Roaming Dog: Scruffy Lab (Shar-Pei?) Mix, male, longer fur, black with white toes, black/white collar – Ultramar Gas Station, Hwy 7, Porter's Lake, HRM, NS

FOUND: Roaming Dog: Scruffy Lab (Shar-Pei?) Mix, male, longer fur, black with white toes, black/white collar - Ultramar Gas Station, Hwy 7, Porter's Lake, HRM, NS
Resolved: Available for adoption: Let’s hope “Bubba” gets a Happy Ending soon. He’s looking great!! Available for adoption at Homeward Bound City Pound (, if interested please call: 407-7283
Updated Nov 15/11
FOUND DOG: Porter’s Lake/ Ultramar Gas Station old #7 Highway/Halifax Co. MALE: Med. Sized Black, with some tan and white paws, Not neutered – no chip – Vet thinks the dog is about 10 years old. Possible lab/collie mix. Was wearing a collar,white and black with a spider web design on it but no tags. Animal Services picked up the dog from the finder. If you recognize this dog please contact Animals Services at 490-4000 and us at The finder would like to know that he has found his home. Thank you Jennifer for keeping him off the roads.