RAINBOW BRIDGE: Lost Dog: Murphy: Jack Russell Terrier, male, white with some black/brown - Middle Sackville, HRM, NS
Resolved: RAINBOW BRIDGE: Murphy, the Jack Russell Terrier has passed on due to an unfortunate accident. We want to thank all those that took the time to share his info, to talk to people, and took the time to go out searching. We would especially like to thank the kind man that found Murphy. Everyone was so wonderful. Our tender, heartfelt condolences go out to Murphy’s family at this difficult time. Updated Nov 28/11
LOST DOG: Middle Sackville/HRM MALE: Jack Russell Terrier Main color is white, with two black spots on either side of back. Brown Patch around his eyes and top of head. NAME: Murphy Please cross post and if you have any information contact the owner at …