SIGHTED: Roaming Dog: Sambro Area, HRM – German Shepherd: female, black/brown, long ears, possibly nursing, tiny build, 12/23/11

***NOT ACTUAL DOG*** Sample breed photo only

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SIGHTING: Sambro area/Halifax Co./HRM FEMALE: German Shepherd, black and brown, long ears, possibly nursing, tiny build. Our member tried to catch her, but she has no collar long ears. She ran off towards Sussex/Old Sambro/ Rocking Stone, or possibly into the woods. If you know anyone missing a dog of this description please let them know of this sighting. If you see her please call Animal Services at 490-4000.  Not an actual picture. ***STOCK PHOTO***

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n' Sound: Lost Dog: Sambro, HRM – Pit Bull: Male, Blue Nose (gray blue colour), 1 yr old, Chain Collar, SUPER FRIENDLY

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n' Sound: Lost Dog: Sambro, HRM - Pit Bull: Male, Blue Nose (gray blue colour), 1 yr old, Collar/Tags, SUPER FRIENDLY

HAPPY ENDING: Deboo came home, safe and sound! Yippee!!! Terrific News.  Thanks for sharing everyone.  From his owner: “…He was.sitting on the doorstep this morning when he was found.” (12/22/11 – 12/31/11)


LOST DOG: Sambro/Halifax Co. – HRM MALE: Blue Nose Pit bull, 1 year old. NAME: Deboo Went missing Dec.22/11 around 9 pm. Wearing a silver link collar and is registered with HRM, though no tags on that collar.  Super Friendly dog! A big baby. Please cross post and…

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe & Sound: Lost Dog: Gully Trail, Canso, Guysborough County – Golden Retriever, female, Scorch, 4 yrs old, blue collar, camouflage vest, friendly

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe & Sound: Lost Dog: Gully Trail, Canso, Guysborough County - Golden Retriever, female, Scorch, 4 yrs old, blue collar, camouflage vest, friendly

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe & Sound:  SCORCH is on her way HOME! She came out of the woods back onto the trail this afternoon and is safe! Other walkers found her. HAPPY ENDING (JanetC).  Yippee!! Updated Dec 27/11

LOST DOG: Canso/Gully Trail/ Guysborough Co. FEMALE: Golden Retriever, 4 yrs. old. NAME: Scorch She is wearing a blue collar and a camouflage vest, owner was visiting relatives. Scorch went missing on Tuesday, Dec.20/11 in the morning on the trail. Please cross post and please if you have any sightings…

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe & Sound: Lost Dogs: Gaspereau, King's County – Little Bear: Choc. Lab/Toller Mix, 2 yrs old, red collar/tags & Marley: Lab/Rottweiler Mix, 1 yr old, collar/tags, both friendly

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe & Sound: Lost Dogs: Gaspereau, King's County - Little Bear: Choc. Lab/Toller Mix, 2 yrs old, red collar/tags & Marley: Lab/Rottweiler Mix, 1 yr old, collar/tags, both friendly

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe & Sound: Janet C., NSLDN: “Bear and Marley are home – FILTHY but happy to be home for supper!”  Thanks to everyone who cared and shared their info… wonderful news!  Updated Dec. 27/11

LOST DOGS(2): Gaspereau/2272 Greenfield Road Village/King’s County. MALE: Choc Lab/ duck toller cross, 2 years old wearing a red collar and tags. Very friendly. NAME: Little Bear FEMALE: large Lab/rottweiler cross,1 yr old wearing a brown leather collar and tags. Friendly. Likely to be together. Bear will jump into any car – Marley does not like cars but if Bear goes in she will too.

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n' Sound: Found: Roaming Dog: Birchtown Hill, Shelburne, Shelburne Co. – Beagle, female, red collar, friendly

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n' Sound: Found: Roaming Dog: Birchtown Hill, Shelburne, Shelburne Co. - Beagle, female, red collar, friendly

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yippee!!  From Janet C., NSLDN: “This wee boy is home with his owners! Thanks again to Nancy and her family for keeping this wee one safe. ” Updated Dec. 27/11

FOUND: Shelburne/Birchtown Hill/Shelburne County MALE: Beagle, small wearing a red collar. Was found wandering on the Highway #103Very friendly and nice, cute pink nose. Please cross post and call Nancy if you have any information…

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n' Sound: Lost Dog: Middle Sackville, HRM – Sookie: Boxer, female, brindle with black points, collar/tags

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n' Sound: Lost Dog: Middle Sackville, HRM - Sookie: Boxer, female, brindle with black points, collar/tags

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Sookie is home for Christmas, thanks to all who shared her info. Terrific!  Updated Dec 27/11

LOST DOG: Middle Sackville near Springfield Lake/ Halifax Co. FEMALE: Boxer, brindle with a black face, wearing a receiver collar with ID tags. NAME:Sookie Last seen in Garrard Dr/Ledgeview area. She is very frightened! She went missing Dec.23/11 at 7 pm. She is adopted and knows FRENCH as her call words. Please cross post and please call Amy if you have any information … Try simple terms – like come here = viens ici, good dog=bon chien, cookie = biscuits, suppertime =souper, good girl = bonne fille

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n' Sound: Found: Roaming Dog: Shelburne, Shelburne Co., NS – Black Lab, male, young adult, no collar

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n' Sound: Found: Roaming Dog: Shelburne, Shelburne Co., NS - Black Lab, male, young adult, no collar

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound!! Yippee!!!  Janet C., of NSLDN: ” … thank you Jeff and CAPS for networking and we are happy that this boy is home safe!” Updated Dec 27/11

FOUND: Shelburne/ Shelburne Co. MALE: Black Lab, Young Found by the Irving Station. Dog was not wearing a collar. If you have any information or know who owns this dog – Please call … Please cross post.Photo is a ****stock photo*** –  NOT an actual picture of the dog. Thank you Jeff for keeping this dog safe and out of traffic.

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n' Sound: Lost Dog: Tracadie, Antigonish Co., NS – Shepherd Mix, male, 4.5 yrs old, red collar, friendly

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n' Sound: Lost Dog: Tracadie, Antigonish Co., NS - Shepherd Mix, male, 4.5 yrs old, red collar, friendly

HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n’ Sound… Thanks to everyone that cared and shared his info… every bit helps.  Terrific!! From the owners: ” Great news We got our Christmas gift ! We found Rocko this morning ! He is home safe and sound waiting for a big turcky dinner !!! Thank you to everyone who help find him ! Have a Merry Christmas ! And we hope for the safe return of all the other lost puppies . Once again thank you !” Updated Dec 27/11

LOST DOG: Tracedie/ 48 Tracedie Loop/Antigonish Co. MALE: Shep mix, 4-5 yrs. old NAME: Rocko He is wearing a red collar with paw print motif. He is very friendly. Went missing on Dec. 16/11. Please cross post and if you have any information…

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n' Sound: Appollo: Found: Roaming Dog: Dewolf Park, Bedford, HRM – Sheltie, male, leather collar, young adult, friendly

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n' Sound: Appollo: Found: Roaming Dog: Dewolf Park, Bedford, HRM - Sheltie, male, leather collar, young adult, friendly

HAPPY ENDING: Home, safe and sound.  Thanks to Tracey for keeping this dog safe and Animal Control for doing the same.  Terrific work everyone for sharing his info… it all helps!  Terrific!!

FOUND DOG: Bedford/DeWolf Park/ Halifax Co.- HRM MALE: Sheltie, 1-2 yrs. old (?) wearing a ROOTS leather collar – no tags. Brown face with black body and tan/white legs. Very friendly. Found Dec. 22/11 at approx. 8:30 pm. Please cross post and … Thank you to Tracey for keeping this dog out of harm’s way.

HALF A HAPPY ENDING: Piper is Home, Safe n' Sound: Lost Dogs: Twin Oaks Rd (previously Junction Rd), Brooklyn, Annapolis Co., NS – Maggie: Boxer, female, 2.5 yrs old & Piper: Boxer, female 1.5 yrs old: Both have collars/tags

LOST DOGS: Twin Oaks Rd (previously Junction Rd), Brooklyn, NS - Maggie: Boxer, female, 2.5 yrs old & Piper: Boxer, female 1.5 yrs old: Both have collars/tags

View 651 twin oaks rd in a larger map

HALF A HAPPY ENDING: Piper is home, safe and sound.  She’s been to the Vet to have her porcupine quills taken out, blood work done, and overall check.  She is okay, all went well, and is now home recovering.  She showed up behind a neighbour working his field… just looking up wagging her tail!  Dog love her! (As Janet would say!) From her owner: “I was floored when I saw her!!”

Let’s get Maggie home next.  Please share this info.  Thanks everyone… Such fantastic news… fantastic!!

Updated 1/1/12

LOST DOGS: Brooklyn/ 651 Twin Oaks Road (previously known as Junction Road – north of highway 101 exit 18 in Middleton)/Annapolis Co. FEMALE: Boxers – both tan and white. NAME: Maggie – 2 1/2 yrs. old NAME: Piper – 1 1/2 years old. Both are wearing collars with county tags. Went missing Monday, Dec.19/11 – 10 am. Please cross post and Please contact Penny/Barry @ 825-4368 or 840-3647