HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe and Sound: Found: Roaming Dog: Beech St, Trenton, Pictou Co, NS – Beagle Mix, Male, Tan/White, Red Collar

HAPPY ENDING: Home, safe and sound!! “Charlie” is home thanks to the kind folks who took him in and kept him safe.  Terrific!! Well done folks … caring and sharing his information.  (2/4/12 – 2/4/12)
FOUND DOG: Trenton/Beech St./Pictou County MALE: Beagle Mix, tan and white, wearing a red collar with playing card motif. Please cross post and if you have any information contact … Thanks to the finders for keeping him safe and warm

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n' Sound: Found: Roaming Dog: Highland Park, Off Hammonds Plains Rd, Halifax, NS – Lab, black, female, green collar, no tags, timid

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe and Sound: “Good news !!!! The owner was just here & claimed ‘Lucky’.”  Thanks Peggy for taking care of Lucky on that cold night. Terrific! Thanks to everyone that shared her info.  (2/4/12 – 2/4/12)
Found:  female black lab(maybe a mix) running in my yard, about 5PM.  I live in Highland Park. She has a green collar on , no tags. She is timid,but I managed to get her in the house, I brought her in because of the cold. I will keep her warm, fed& watered ,while waiting for her owner to claim her.
My daughter is driving around  the park asking if anyone lost a black lab, with no luck so far.
I cannot keep her long, as  I just got a puppy  as an anniversary gift  & he hasn’t been to the vet yet.  Otherwise it would be no problem.
Please call …
(2/4/12 – 2/4/12)

Truro Daily News: 2/2/12 – Dog survives terrifying ordeal on Halifax bridge

Dog survives terrifying ordeal on Halifax bridge

Sasha, a mixed breed terrier, is alive today thanks to the efforts of Angela Smith, formerly of Valley, who now lives in Halifax. The dog, which had run away from its owner, was repeatedly run over by motorists on a Halifax bridge on Monday morning. SUBMITTED PHOTO
Sasha, a mixed breed terrier, is alive today thanks to the efforts of Angela Smith, formerly of Valley, who now lives in Halifax. The dog, which had run away from its owner, was repeatedly run over by motorists on a Halifax bridge on Monday morning….
Published on February 2, 2012

Former Valley resident the ‘lucky animal lover who was there at the right time and place’

Topics : 
Leah BanksHalifax ,Dartmouth , Colchester County

TRURO – Angela Smith was heading across the bridge into Dartmouth Monday morning when she noticed a sudden disruption in the traffic flow.

“I assumed people were slowing down because of the heavy traffic and there was a couple of transport trucks going uphill,” the former Valley resident said.

She then noticed that several vehicles appeared to be driving over something and, to her horror, realized it was a dog.

“When I stopped, I was stopping to move a dead dog off to the side, so I thought,” Smith said. “I could clearly see from my car she was still breathing. I jumped out of my car, looked around and hoped people wouldn’t start honking at me because I was stopping rush hour traffic.”

Other drivers didn’t honk but neither did they offer assistance.

“No one really helped. I went to her and she didn’t move. I grabbed a blanket out of my trunk, got her on it and into the back seat of my car.  The race was on …”

Smith eventually got the injured dog transported to the Dartmouth Vet Clinic where it was treated for a badly fractured jaw, head trauma, an injured paw and tail and various scrapes.

Despite not knowing who the dog belonged to and even after being told that vet bills could reach as high as $2,500, Smith remained committed to dealing with the situation, all the while worrying about its fate.

“My day was filled with the ‘what ifs?'” she said. “What if I was five minutes earlier or five minutes later? I haunted myself with thoughts of seeing worse happen to her … that the cars that were driving over her continued to damage her more, or worse, finish the job. I was driving myself nuts with these silly thoughts.”

Needing something positive to focus on, Smith turned to the social networking power of Facebook and decided to start a fundraiser for the injured dog.

It was also through Facebook that she discovered it was a Jack Russell/Australian cattle dog mix named Sasha, that had been missing for several days.

Last November, Sasha was placed with Leah Banks of Cole Harbour as a foster dog through the volunteer agency Animal Rescue Coalition (ARC) of Halifax, after being picked up as a runaway stray in Colchester County.

“Within a day, she was attached to me and my younger dog Ash,” Banks said. “What a little Miss Busy Bee … she loved doing circles in our living room or playing tug-of-war and stealing Ash’s toys and playing with my cat Dewey.”

Sasha also enjoyed many outings with Leah and her family but as much as the dog had taken to her foster home, it was intended as just that.

Last week, Sasha was adopted by a person in Halifax. But it soon became apparent that was not where she wanted to be, and within 24 hours of seeing her off, Banks received a dreaded call that her little friend had run away from her new home.

That prompted a frantic search over the next several days by Banks and her family, who suspected Sasha was attempting to make her way to Leah’s father’s house in Dartmouth, from where she had been walked in previous months. Despite numerous sightings, however, Sasha remained on the loose until Monday morning when she got caught up in rush-hour traffic on the Murray MacKay Bridge.

Sasha has now been reunited with Banks and has a permanent place in her home.

And between Smith’s fundraising efforts and contributions from Banks, Sasha’s vet’s bills of about $1,600 are being taken care of.

But Smith is encouraging anyone who may be affected by the story to donate to ARC to assist with the needs of other animals that require care.

Looking back on things, she has mixed feelings about the situation.

“It’s hard to be angry when you don’t have a specific person to be angry towards,” she said of the motorists who repeatedly ran over the little dog.

“I’m angry inside, but really, it’s more nauseating then anything … It’s why I think this story is so important – people just shouldn’t assume an animal is dead. She clearly wasn’t and is clearly alive to this day. I hate thinking about this part of it all the most because it takes me back to the what ifs?

“Maybe I was meant to be there – maybe someone up above said: ‘OK Sasha – time to stop running. It’ll hurt but I’ll help you find your way home.’ And then I was just a part of that plan. I’m not the angel, I’m just the lucky animal lover who was there at the right time and place.”

Sighted: Roaming Dog: Fraser Mountain Rd, Linacy Area, Pictou Co., NS – Bassett Hound, tan/white, no collar, friendly


Sighted:  a white/tan hound dog tonight in the Fraser Mtn. Rd./Linacy area. (Pictou County) No collar, friendly, gentle, looks taken care of…

RAINBOW BRIDGE: Lost Dog: Guy St, Sydney Mines, Cape Breton Co., NS – Rottweiller, male, black/tan, grey around mouth, no collar, 13 yrs old – "Tyson"

RAINBOW BRIDGE:  It is with heavy hearts that the owners of Tyson shared the sad news that Tyson has passed away due to natural causes.  Tyson, a beloved family member, an inside dog, will be buried with dignity at home… even a casket is being built by an Uncle.  Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to Tyson’s family at this sad and difficult time. Rest in peace, good friend.  (2/2/12 – 2/3/12)
LOST DOG: Sydney Mines/ Guy St./ Cape Breton MALE: Rottweiler, 13 years old – not wearing a collar, greying around his mouth. He went missing from his kennel Feb.1/12 late afternoon. He is very gentle. NAME: Tyson. Please cross post and if you have any information

SIGHTED: Roaming Dog: Robinson Weir Rd, Digby Co., NS


Possible ‘Bluetick Coonhound’ Sighted feburay 1st this afternoon (around 3 and later again around 5)on Tracks close to Robinson Weir Road in Digby county.

Possibly a female but not all that sure as it was following us as long as we didn’t look it. Has a bright hunter orange (looks like ) 1 inch collar on with tags (could be a bone or heart or both).
NOT ACTUAL PICTURE:  But very close in spots and may not have brown ‘eyebrows’.
Please Callwith any information:Animal Services: 245-5885,

TLC Shelter: 245-2303 

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n' Sound: Lost Dog: Range Park, Bedford, HRM, NS – Bichon Frise, male, white, collar – "Sydney"

***STOCK PHOTO*** HAPPY ENDING! Home, safe and sound! Yippee! Sydney was found down by Chickenburger… he must have been on the ‘trail’.  Thanks to a kind person who caught him and turned him over to Animal Control.  So glad, this wee one is home safe.  Terrific!  (1/31/12 – 1/31/12)

Name; Sydeny
sex; male
breed; bichon frise
not street smart.
We were at the ballfield near Arby’s in Bedford, NS when Sydeny, an older mans dog, ran off, we walked and walked but had no luck.
The owners name is …, however the phone numbers he gave are incorrect… he was panicked.
Please contact…

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n' Sound: Found: Roaming Dog: Fury Dr, Dartmouth, NS – Terrier Mix, male, black, shaggy, chubby, friendly


HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe and Sound!!! This cutie was sent to Animal Control/Homeward Bound City Pound and was not claimed… Needless to say, this cutie was gobbled up by some lucky family and has a NEW HOME, where it is happy, safe and sound.  Thanks to the kind folks who brought this dog in to safety and all those that cared to share his info.  Wonderful!! (1.30.12 – 2.14.12)


FOUND DOG: Dartmouth/Fury Drive/ HRM MALE: Terrier Mix, age unknown. This dog was found Jan.30/12 at 1 pm. Well fed, but appeared to have been out for sometime. Finder called Animal Services: 490-4000 and was told he would be taken to Homeward Bound City Pound: 407-7283. If you have any information please call AS or HBCP. Thank you to Doris for doing the right thing and getting this boy to safety. (1.30.12 –

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n' Sound: Sighted: Roaming Dog: Shorts Lake, West Rd, Colchester Rd – Shar Pei, male, tan, no collar

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe and Sound!! Thanks to all who cared and spread the word about this wondering dog.  Awesome!! (1/28/12 – 1/29/12)

SIGHTING: Stewiacke/Shortts Lake West Road/Colchester County MALE: possible Shar Pei, tan colored coat, mot wearing a collar. The sighter tried to get the dog to come to her but he would not allow them to get close. He may have some hearing difficulties as he would not look towards sounds, or when called. Please keep an eye out for this dog and if you see him please call Animal Services at 897-3175. ***STOCK PHOTO – not an actual picture***

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n' Sound: Lost Dog: Barrington, Hwy #3, Barrington Passage, Crowells Area, Shelburne Co., NS – Chocolate Lab, spayed female, 2 yrs old, pink camo collar – "SASHA"


HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe and Sound!! Yippee!! Thanks to all who cared enough to share her info.  Just fantastic! (1/28/12 – 1/30/12)

***STOCK PHOTO – not actual picture***  LOST DOG: Barrington – Hwy #3, Crowells area/Shelburne Co. FEMALE: Chocolate Lab, 2 years old, spayed. Wearing a pink camouflage print collar, may be trailing a chain. Jan.28/12. NAME: Sasha Please cross post and if you have any information contact …