HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Found: Roaming Dog: Eye Rd., Lower Wolfville (Grand Pre´), Kings Co., NS – Terrier/Poodle Mix, Male, Adult – “Unknown”



HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound!! Yeah!! From Animal Control:  “This dog went home yesterday folks.” Yeah!!! Thanks everyone!! (7.30.13 – 8.2.13)

Breed:  Terrier/Poodle Mix

Sex:  Male  Age:  Adult

Collar/Tags/Chip:  Faded Green Collar, No Tags

Found on:  July 30, 2013

Area:  Eye Rd., Grand Pre, Kings, NS

Additional Notes:  MALE: Terrier/ Labradoodle mix?, adult, 50 lbs, wearing a faded green collar, no tags. Found roaming on July 30/13.

Contact Info: 

FOUND: Roaming Dog: English Mountain Rd., South Alton, Kings Co., NS — Beagle, Male, Senior – “Unknown”



Breed: Beagle

Sex:  Male  Age: Senior

Collar/Tags/Chip: No Collar

Found on: July 31, 2013

Area:  English Mountain Rd., South Alton, Kings County, NS

Additional Notes: MALE: Beagle, senior, 20 lbs., no collar. Found roaming on July 31/13.

Contact Info: Please cross post and if you have any information contact Animal Control at 678-3647.

HEAT WARNING: Pavement/Asphalt TOO HOT for Dog’s Paws!

HOT ASPHALT!These photos were taken at lunchtime today.  It’s even hotter now and will be hottest around 4:00 pm.  These temperatures show how a cement sidewalk, surface temperature shown on the left, can be much cooler than pavement/asphalt, surface temperature shown on right.  Please consider your pets paws when walking them on a hot sunny day.  Note: These photos were taken about 2 feet apart… amazing difference!  Here is some important information on Burned Pads on Dogs: http://vetmedicine.about.com/od/diseasesconditionsfaqs/qt/hotfeet.htm


HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: The Happy Cooker Restaurant, Cornwall Rd, Blockhouse, Lunenburg Co., NS – Dominican Beach Dog, Female, 11 months – “Bocca/Blanca”



HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound!! YEAHHHH!!!! From the Owner: “Thank you, Thank you Thank you. Once again we have caught the Crazy Bocca Blania . At 7:30 am, this crazy dog came to me and my dog Cody.”  Thanks to all the great words of encouragement and the caring to share.  Fantastic! (7.28.13 – 7.30.13)

Breed: Dominican Beach Dog/Terrier

Sex:  Female  Age: 11 Months


Lost on:  7.28.13

Area:  The Happy Cooker Restaurant, Cornwall Rd, Blockhouse, Lunenburg Co., NS

Additional Info: “The family is just heart broken. Yes she ‘s running again. I know this will light up your site to no end with comments. I will take what ever comes my way, at this point I just want the dog back.” She will not be adopted out, but remain with the rescue. “Very shy you probly wont catch her but if you could call me … with an area you saw her i would be so happy .”

Contact Info: …

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Found: Roaming Dog: Irving Big Stop, 5477 Prospect Rd., New Minas, Kings Co., NS – German Shepherd, Female, Older Adult – “Unknown”




HAPPY ENDING: Home; Safe n’ Sound – YEAH!! We thank all that cared and shared. Her owners were located. Good job!

Breed:  German Shepherd

Sex:  Female  Age:  Older Adult

Collar/Tags/Chips:  Blue Collar, No Tags

Found on:  June 29, 2013

Area:  Irving Big Stop, 5477 Prospect Rd., New Minas, Kings, NS

Additional Info:  FEMALE: German Shepherd, 8+ years old, wearing a blue collar, no tags.Found roaming on June 29/13.

Contact Info: Please cross post and if you have any information contact Animal Control at 678-3647.

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: Lwr Sackville, HRM, NS – Duck Toller/Beagle Mix, Female, 10 Yrs Old – “Katie”



HAPPY ENDING: Home; Safe n’ Sound! Yip Yippee!! We thank all that shared. “Thank you so much she has been found!”

Breed:  Duck Toller/Beagle Mix

Sex: Female  Age:  10 Yrs Old

Collar/Tags/Chip:  Tartan Collar, No Tags

Lost on:  June 29, 2013

Area:  Lwr Sackville, HRM, NS

Additional Info:  FEMALE: Duck Toller/Beagle cross, 10 years old, wearing a tartan collar, no tags. Medium size, approximately 35 lbs. with a white face and white paws NAME:Katie She went missing on June 29/13.

Contact Info: …

FOUND: Roaming Dog: Hwy 14, Chester, Lunenburg Co., NS – Beagle, Female, Adult – “Unknown”



Breed:  Beagle

Sex:  Female  Age: Adult

Collar/Tags/Chip:  No

Found on:  June 28, 2013

Area:  Hwy 14, Chester, Lunenburg, NS

Additional Info:  FEMALE: Beagle, adult, 20 lbs. Not wearing a collar. Found June 28/13. “This little beagle was brought into the South Shore Vet after having been hit by a car around the Chester area this morning. Other than some road rash, she is doing well, but her sibling is still running at-large and we would like to get her back home”

Contact Info:  Please cross post and if you have any information call SSVS at 543-5602

FOUND: Roaming Dog: Hiltz Rd., Ross Corner, Kings Co., NS – Lab/Boxer/Setter Mix, Female, Young Adult – “Unknown”



Breed:  Lab/Boxer/Setter Mix

Sex:  Female  Age: Young Adult

Collar/Tags/Chip:  No

Found on:  June 24, 2013

Area:  Hiltz Rd., Ross Corner, Kings Co., NS

Additional Info: FEMALE: Lab/Loxer/Setter mix (?), white with some lemon coloration, young, not wearing a collar. Found roaming on June 24/13.

Contact Info: Please cross post and if you have any information contact Animal Control at 678-3647.

FOUND: Roaming Dog: Greenwood, Kings Co., NS – Shih-tzu/TibetanTerrier Mix, Male, Adult – “Unknown”



Breed:  Tibetan Terrier Mix (Shih tzu?)

Sex:  Male  Age: Adult

Collar/Tags/Chip: Green Canvas Collar, Dragging Blue Leash

Found on: 6.19.13

Area:  Greenwood, Kings, NS

Additional Info:  This dog was found in Greenwood dragging it’s leash and is now safe with Kings County Animal Control.

Contact Info:  Please cross post and if you have any information contact: Kings Co. Animal Control at 678-3647


HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Found: Roaming Dog: Town of Wolfville, Kings Co., NS – Shih tzu/Lhasa Apso, Female, Adult – “Unknown”



HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound!! Yip Yippee!! “We do wonder how she got from Greenwood to Wolfville! But, all that really matters is that she is home, where she belongs:). Thank you so much for helping!” (6.19.13-6.19.13)

Breed: Shih tzu/Lhasa Apso

Sex:  Female  Age:  Adult

Collar/Tags/Chip:  No Collar/Tags

Found on: 6.19.13

Area:  Town of Wolfville, Kings, NS

Additional Info: This sweet little pooch was found wandering in the Town of Wolfville today, June 19, 2013. She is a female, Adult, Shih tuz (or maybe Lhasa Apso?). She is safe with Animal Control at this time.

Contact Info: Please cross post and if you have any information contact: Kings Co. Animal Control at 678-3647