HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Found: Roaming Dog: Miner Meadow Rd., Sunken Lake, Kings Co., NS – Border Collie, Male, Adult – “Unknown”



HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound!! Yippee!! From the Owner: “Cooper is home safe and sound! Thank you everyone for all your help tracking him down…our family, farm, and his pack are over the moon to have him back!” (10.28.13 – 10.29.13)

Breed:  Border Collie

Sex: Male  Age:  Adult

Collar/Tags:  Orange Collar/No Tags

Found on:  10.28.13

Area:  Miner Meadow Rd., Sunken Lake, Kings Co., NS

Additional Info:  MALE: Border Collie, young, wearing an orange collar, no tags. Found roaming on Oct. 28/13.

Contact Info:  …

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Found: Roaming Dog: Church St., North Kentville, Kings Co., NS – Black Lab, Male, Senior – “Unknown”



HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound!! Yippee!! This gorgeous old man has gone back home. Yeah!! Thanks to all who cared and shared. (10.28.13 – 10.28.13)

Breed:  Black Labrador Retriever

Sex:  Male  Age:  Senior

Collar/Tags:  Old Brown Leather Collar, No Tags

Found on:  10.28.13

Area: Church St., North Kentville, Kings, NS

Additional Info: Found early this morning – male nt Black Lab wearing an old brown leather collar/ no tag. Finders are holding him.

Contact Info: …


FOUND: Roaming Dog: Hillcrest St., Kingston, Kings Co., NS – Amstaff Mix, Male, Adult – “Unknown”



Breed:  Amstaff Mix

Sex:  Male  Age:  Adult

Collar/Tags: No

Found on:  10.24.13

Area:  Hillcrest St., Kingston, Kings Co., NS

Additional Info: This pooch was picked up by Animal Control.

Contact Info: Please cross post and if you have any information contact: Kings Co. Animal Control:  678-3647


HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Found: Roaming Dog: Vi’s Restaurant, Hwy 105, Whycocomagh, Inverness Co., NS – Jack Russell Terrier Mix, Male, Young Adult – “Unknown”



HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! This dog is back home now thanks to all the folks who cared and shared. But also a big thank you to the nice folks that took the time to catch this pooch and keep him safe.  (10.20.13 – 10.24.13)

Breed:  Jack Russell Terrier Mix

Sex:  Male  Age:  Young Adult

Collar/Tags:  No

Found on:  10.20.13

Area:  Vi’s Restaurant, Hwy 105, Whycocomagh, Inverness Co., NS

Additional Info:  MALE: Jack Russell Terrier mix (?), young, not wearing a collar. Found roaming by Vi’s Restaurant on Oct.20/13.

Contact Info: …

SIGHTED: Roaming Dog: ***STOCK PHOTO*** Canadian Tire, 9212 Commercial St, New Minas, Kings Co., NS – Black Labrador Retriever, Male, Adult – “Unknown”


“Unknown”                         ***STOCK PHOTO***              Not Actual Dog

Breed: Labrador Retriever, Black

Sex:  Male  Age: Adult

Collar/Tags:  Bandana

Sighted on: 10.18.13 around 6:00 pm

Additional Info:  Sighted first at Walmart and then the last sighting was at the Canadian Tire in New Minas.  It’s a Black Lab wearing a Bandana.

Contact Info:  Please cross post and if you have any information contact:  Kings County Animal Control: 678-3647



HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Found: Roaming Dog: Wolfville, Kings Co., NS – English Springer Spaniel, Male, Adult – “Unknown”



HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound!! Yeah!! The Owners picked up this pooch from Animal Control. Thanks to all who cared and shared. (10.16.13 – 10.17.13)

Breed: English Spring Spaniel, Liver/White

Sex:  Male  Age:  Adult

Collar/Tags:  No Collar

Found on: 10.16.13

Area:  Town of Wolfville, Kings Co., NS

Additional Info: This handsome Liver and White English Springer Spaniel was found in the town of Wolfville and is safe with Animal Control now.

Contact Info:  …

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: Irven Drive/Underwood Rd, Garlands Crossing, Hants Co., NS – Chihuahua, Female, 4 yrs old – “Brooke”



HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound!! Yippee!! “She has been found. Thanks.” Yeah! Thanks to all who took the time to care and share. (10.13.13 – 10.14.13)

Breed:  Short Coated Chihuahua, Tan with dark stripe down neck

Sex:  Female  Age: 4 Years

Collar/Tags:  Tattooed

Lost on:  10.13.13

Area:  Irven Dr./Underwood Rd., Garland Crossing, Hants, NS

Additional Info:  FEMALE: Chihuahua, tan with a black stripe on her back, 4 years old, tattooed. NAME: Brooke

Contact Info:  …

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Roaming Dog: Hwy 101, Berwick Exit, Kings Co., NS – Pug, Male, Senior – “Unknown”



HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound!!! Yippee!!! Buddy is home! From his Owners: “Thanks for all you do and a huge ty to all those who helped and shared his photo, WE are Greatly appreciated to all the people involved Ty from the bottom of our Hearts…Buddy and Family xx”  (10.3.13 – 10.3.13)

Breed:  Pug

Sex:  Male  Age:  Senior

Collar/Tags: ??

Found on:  10.3.13

Area:  Berwick Exit, Hwy 101, Kings Co., NS

Additional Info:  This adorable senior was found near the Berwick exit on Highway 101.  He is now safe with Animal Control.

Contact Info: …


SIGHTED: ***STOCK PHOTO*** Roaming Dog: Exit 26 Hwy 101, Digby, NS – White Standard Poodle, Female, Adult – “Unknown”


Unknown                                      ***STOCK PHOTO***    Not Actual Dog

Breed:  Standard Poodle, White

Sex:  Female  Age:  Adult

Collar/Tags:  ??

Sighted:  September 28, 2013

Area:  Hwy 101, Exit 26, Digby, NS

Additional Info:  At 310 pm, today two dogs were on the 101 in front of Gates, just outside exit 26 Digby. I believe they are both females. They appear to be poodles or poodles mixes. One black and one white. The black one was about 30 pounds. She was picked up and is safe. The white one ran into the woods and couldn’t be located. She was about 50 pounds.

Contact Info:  Please cross post and if you have any information contact: Courtney at 902 247 1645. Or the digby rcmp detachment, as they have been notified.

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: Porters Lake, HRM, NS – Golden Doodle, Female, 6 Months Old – “Bella”



HAPPY ENDING: Home; Safe N’Sound. We thank all that cared and shared. Her owners are very relieved that she came back home. (9.22.13 – 9.23.13)

Breed:  Golden Doodle, Black

Sex:  Female  Age:  6 Months Old

Collar/Tags:  No

Lost on: Sept. 22, 2013

Area:  Porters Lake, HRM, NS

Additional Info:   FEMALE: Golden Doodle, Black coat, 6 months old, 50 lbs., not wearing a collar or bandanna. NAME: Bella She went missing on Sept.22/1

Contact Info: …