HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n' Sound: Saffie: Australian Shepherd/Lab Mix, fixed female, 9 yrs old, red collar – Dayspring/Upper La Have/Rhodes Corner, NS

LOST DOG: Saffie: Aussie/Lab Mix, fixed female, 9 yrs old - Upper LaHave/Rhodes Corner

Happy Ending: Thanks to their own facebook, this lovely dog got home… yeah!! Gotta Love Happy Endings!!!

Lost in the Dayspring/Upper La Have/Rhodes Corner area a nine year old fixed female Australian Shepherd/Black Lab mix answering to Saffie. Reddish-brown with black in her tail. Approximately 50 pounds. Red collar with two tags. First time lost or away from home. Generally friendly when outside. Please check your yards and outbuildings.

HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n' Sound: Archie: English Springer Spaniel & Rory: Poodle – MacKay Siding Rd Area, Stewiacke, NS


LOST DOG: Archie: English Springer Spaniel - Stewiacke, NS

LOST DOG: Rory: Poodle - Stewiacke, NS

Happy Ending: These two Adventurers came home after a 26 hour expedition.  Happy and full of burrs.  Gotta love our dogs!! Yeah!!

We have lost our 2 dogs,  a springer spaniel and a poodle in the mackay siding road area of Stewiacke NS, approximately 3pm yesterday afternoon, my contact tel no is 639-1996 and 402-2131. Springer Spaniel answers to Archie and the poodle is Rory, both very friendly.

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HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n' Sound: Lost Dog: Star: Siberian Husky, female – Coldbrook Area, Annapolis Valley

LOST DOG: Star: Siberian Huskey - Coldbrook Area, NS

Happy Ending: Home safe n’ sound:

“Star is back home. She showed up at Judy’s door around
2:30 am this morning. She appears to be in good shape, lost a bit of weight. Judy is taking her to the vets to day to be checked out.”


LOST DOG: SIBERIAN HUSKY named Star – Lost in the Coldbrook area of the Annapolis Valley. Female recently spayed. She was adopted from the Kings County SPCA on Thursday so is unfamiliar with her new home environment and is very afraid. She is microchipped.Last seen at about 2pm headed west toward Waterville area. 

HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n' Sound: Bailey: Jack Russell Terrier, female, black and white – Lakeview Ave, Middle Sackville, NS

LOST DOG: Bailey: Jack Russell Terrier, female, black and white - Lakeview Ave, Mid. Sackville, NS

LOST DOG: Bailey: Jack Russell Terrier - Middle Sackville, NS

LOST DOG: Bailey: Jack Russell Terrier - Middle Sackville, NS

Happy Ending: BAILEY is HOME! She made her way back home at 6am this morning – owners are thrilled – she was cold but is fine! A Happy Easter for the family!

LOST: Lakeview Ave. Middle Sackville – BAILEY – female black and white Jack Russell Terrier. She is 7 years old and is spayed. Please contact Jason at 864-4283 – A reward is offered.

Please if you have any information about our dog please call.  Check your yards and outbuildings please.

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HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe, Clean, n' Sound: Rory: Collie Mix, female – Commercial St, Dominion, NS

LOST DOG: Rory: Collie Mix, female - Dominion, NS

LOST DOG: Rory: Collie Mix, female - Commercial St, Dominion, NS

Happy Ending: Rory was returned home today… after a nice bath by the people that found her.  They made sure her family was really her family.  All the right things… but a bath too! Awesome!!! Yeah Rory… now stay home!! LOL Happy!!

Her name is Rory, she is a 2 yr old baige and white collie mix. She went missing from 110 Commercial St, Dominion NS on April 22, 2011 between 9 and 9:30pm.  Last tip we recieved is that she was being carried by a man and a woman walking upward on Pleasant St in Dominion at around 9:30pm.   We are hoping that someone found her, seen that she looked lost and confused and took her in to keep her warm.

Please if you have any information call Devin or Joeanna at 842-4559 or 304-4581

HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n' Sound: Border Collie, black/white, male, 15 months old – Tanner Hill Road, Pictou, NS

LOST DOG: Boder Collie, black/white, male, 15 months old - Tanner Hill Rd, Pictou

Happy Ending: Home safe n’ almost sound.  A sore back leg is being looked after, but he is home, that is the important thing.  The family is very thankful to everyone. Yeah!!


MISSING! 15mth old, black and white male border collie, since April 21 around supper time in the Tanner Hill Road area. Very friendly, well mannered, neutered. Has name on leather collar as well as owners on inside and tags attached. Should any one see or hear of him please contact us asap. We are very worried as he does not normally wonder far and we really want to get him home safe.


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HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n' Sound: Roaming Dog: Cocker Spaniel, Red and White – Monarch Subd, Beaverbank, NS

FOUND: Roaming Dog: Cocker Spaniel, Red and White - Monarch Subd, Beaverbank, NS

Happy Ending: The owners for this cutie have been found… Yeah!!


Found Brittany or Cocker spaniel in Monarch subdivision


RESOLVED: Roaming Dog: Larger Beagle Mix, Black/Brown/White – Rainbow Haven Beach, NS

SIGHTED: Roaming Dog: Larger Beagle Mix, Black/Brown/White - Rainbow Haven Beach, NS

SIGHTED: Roaming Dog: Larger Beagle Mix, Black/Brown/White - Rainbow Haven Beach, NS

SIGHTED: Roaming Dog: Larger Beagle Mix, Black/Brown/White - Rainbow Haven Beach, NS



Resolved: It’s been confirmed that this old guy lives on the road near the beach, and takes daily walks along the shore.  Thanks for everyone who looked into this, great work.  And thanks for reporting this, you never know when a dog may have needed help.

We were at Rainbow Haven beach today and watched this dog circle the beach several times. We were not sure if it was local to the area but it appeared to be injured (limping) and kept circling.  Although it looked fairly old from afar I don’t think it was as old as it appeared and it didn’t look too skinny. It kept heading into the woods off to the right and coming back out again. We were uable to get him as we were leaving he headed back into the woods (swamp) again, so I have attached some pictures hoping to find out if he is lost or just a local. He seemed nervous to walk by the other dogs, but not nervous of people. Do you know this dog????

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HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n' Sound: Roaming Puppy – Lower Sackville

FOUND: Roaming Puppy: Lower Sackville

Happy Ending: Mom was able to pick up this puppy the next day at Animal Control… after a very terrifying 24 hours.  This sweet little Am Staff is home safe, licensed, and microchipped. YEAH!! Chopper is home!!!  Awesome!! Thanks to everyone that helped by spreading the word, and to the folks that saved this pooch by taking her to the SPCA.  YEAH!!!

Updated: April 27/11

It is believed that this pup has been taken in by Animal Control. 490-4000
Thank you
Update – April 22, 2011

We found a puppy on the Rd heading towards Rodden. If you lost your puppy and live in or around that area, please email telling what kind of dog you lost and what color collar it had on.


SASHA's Happy Ending

Home Safe n' Sound.... and tired.

Sasha and Her Very Happy Mom

Just so true...