HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound!! Yeah!! We thank all that cared and shared. “Fugitive has been apprehended. A lovely couple s aw him on the road trying to make his way home and followed him. The guy yelled to my boyfriend to catch Bubby because He’s posted missing on Facebook
♥ He’s been gone since 11pm and still dry so he was somewhere out of the elements. Bubby is GROUNDED.Thank you Nova Scotia Lost Dog Network!!” (9.27.17 – 9.28.17)
Breed or Mix: Chihuahua
Sex: Male, Age: 5
Collar/Tags: No collar
Lost on: 09/28/2017
Area: New Waterford, Cape Breton, NS
Additional Notes: Short hair black tricolor chihuahua. Skittish, not fond of people. Please check your yards, under decks, outbuildings, yard debris…thank you.
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