HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe & Sound! Yeah!! From his new friends’ “Cooper the Beagle has made his way home. He was on a pretty good tour. He came from Delhaven, was spotted on Parker road, then through Medford, snagged a cookie and back to Delhaven.” Smart pup for getting himself back home! Thanks to all who cared and shared her info. (4.3.19 – 4.3.19)
Breed or Mix: Lemon Beagle
Sex: Male, Age: Adult
Collar/Tags: Lighted Collar, e-Fence Collar, Bell/unknown about tags
Sighted on: Medford, Kings, NS
Additional Notes: There’s a Lemon Beagle that showed up at my in-laws house. We couldn’t catch it and it’s since wandered away. He has a light up collar on, what appeared to be an electric fence collar, and a bell. .
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