HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! Or well, will be this evening. Owner has been found…yeah!! Thanks so much to the kind people that kept Jam safe until he could be reunited with his family. Thanks to all who cared and shared his info. YIPPEE!!! (4.22.19 – 4.23.19)
Breed or Mix: Yorkshire Terrier mix
Sex: Male, Age: Adult
Collar/Tags: Black collar with rhinestones/no tags
Found on: 04/22/2019
Area: Clayton Park, Halifax, NS
Additional Notes: MALE: Yorkie Terrier or mix, adult, tan and grey coat, recently groomed, wearing a black collar with rhinestones. Found roaming on April 22/19
Please Contact: …
Hello Ken.
Thank you very much that you found my dog.
His name is Jam.
Please call me back 902 4036393