SIGHTED: Roaming Dog: 298 Hardscratch Rd, Yarmouth, Yarmouth Co., NS — Black and Tan Hound mix, Sex Unknown, Adult — “Unknown”


Breed or Mix: Black and Tan Hound mix

Sex: Unknown, Age: Adult

Collar/Tags: Unknown

Sighted on: 11/29/2018

Area: 298 Hardscratch Rd, Yarmouth, Yarmouth, NS

Additional Notes: I unfortunately just hit a dog on the Hardscratch Rd close to the SPCA in Yarmouth. It was some kind of brown and black hound looking mix that ran out of the ditch and in front of me before I could react and I hit it. I couldn’t find it after I got the car pulled over. I checked ditches and drove up and down and couldn’t find it anywhere. It must have kept running, but anyone who has a dog by that description near the SPCA should go check on their dog as it may have run home and could be injured. 😣

Please Contact: Please cross post and if you have any information contact: Yarmouth Animal Services at 902-742-3147


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