HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: Hydrostone, North End Halifax, Halifax Co., NS — Sheltie (Shetland Sheepdog), Male, Adult — “Trigger”



HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! Thanks so much to some very helpful construction workers who were able to catch scared Trigger and call Animal Control for help. He is safe and being spoiled at Homeward Bound City Pound and will be going home shortly. Fantastic news! Thanks so much to all who reported sightings and cared and shared his info. YIPPEE!! (8.16.18 – 8.16.18)

Breed or Mix: Sheltie (Shetland Sheepdog)

Sex: Male, Age: Adult

Collar/Tags: No, slipped out of collar

Lost on: 08/16/2018

Area: Hydrostone, North End Halifax, Halifax, NS

Additional Notes: Trigger is being cared for by a friend. He and his brother were out walking this morning when Trigger slipped his collar. He’s been sighted several times but is VERY SKITTISH and will not come. Last sighted on Needham St. Please DO NOT CHASE, CALL, CLAP or WHISTLE. Instead report your sighting immediately, thank you. #NSLostDogNetTrigger

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  1. Mel submitted this update

    Your dog is at Homeward Bound Dog Pound in Burnside, found him running on Barrington around 12:00PM

    • Ann submitted this update

      Thank you Mel… WELL DONE!!! Trigger has been picked up by his dog sitter and is now off to visit family in the country until his parents get home. All is good thanks to the kindness you showed in getting him to safety. YIPPEE!!!

      Ann Morrison

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