HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! Or will be very soon. Thanks to Goodhands Boarding Kennel for sharing this great news: “Owner has been found
😁” And for keeping this cutie pie safe and warm. Thanks to all who had a quick chance to care and share…it was a fast one, but we love it. YIPPEE!! (8.16.18 – 8.17.18)
Breed or Mix: Lhasa Apso/Poodle mix
Sex: Female, Age: Older Adult
Collar/Tags: No collar/tags
Found on: 08/16/2018
Area: Sydney Mines, Cape Breton, NS
Additional Notes: This dog, a female, ran into the dugout in the Sydney Mines ball park on Pitt Street shaking scared from the thunder and lightening soaking wet. Does anyone know who owns her? Shes with Goodhands Boarding Kennel thankfully, warm and safe. But she is missing her people’s. She was spotted approaching the ball field from Ocean St.
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