Actual Photos of Lucy:

HAPPY ENDING!! Beautiful Lucy has been found and is safe!!!
HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! Thanks to some wonderful folks who found Lucy sitting in the road at the end of their driveway. Dad says she loves dogs and kids and this family had both. She knew it was time to get help with this heat and she came out of hiding. Smart Girl Lucy!! Huge thanks to the finders for getting her to safety and reuniting her with her family. Thank you to all the campers at Rawdon Gold Mine Campground, and her friends, including her wonderful breeder that helped in the search during this awful heat. Well done! Thanks as always to all who cared and shared her info. YIPPEE!! (6.30.18 – 7.3.18)
Breed or Mix: Sheltie
Sex: Female, Age: 1.5 Yrs
Collar/Tags: Red Harness, trailing leash/ Tattooed and Micro-chipped
Lost on: 06/30/2018
Area: Rawdon Gold Mines, Hants, NS
Additional Notes: Lucy bolted during Fireworks from the Campground. She ran up the woodlot road directly across NS Trunk 14 from the Campground and has not been seen since. Please share her information and if anyone has any information or sightings please report to the owners immediately, thank you. #NSLostDogNetLucy
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