HAPPY ENDING: Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! Thanks to the kind person that called and got Zena off the dangerous streets and safe with Animal Control. And thanks, of course, to all who cared and shared her info. At this time, her Mom can’t afford to pay her fine for roaming without a license. If you would like to help, she has a GoFundMe page here: “https://www.gofundme.com/help-get-zena-home” . So glad she’s safe! (4.6.17 – 4.7.17)
Breed or Mix: Rotti/Boxer/Lab Mix
Sex: Female, Age: 2 yrs old
Collar/Tags: no collar
Lost on: 04/06/2017
Area: Fairview, Halifax, NS
Additional Notes: She has the markings of a rotti and huge paws. She is very friendly and will wag her tail and want to jump and lick you. She got out of the apartment when someone came to the door and couldn’t catch her at all. She wasn’t wearing her collar since she was inside at the time.
Please Contact: …
She is at City Pound but have to find the money to get her out today. Thank you to all that shared and helped to find her.