HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: Bible Hill, Colchester Co., NS —Shepherd/ Beagle mix, Female, 3 yrs — “Mya”

MYA Safe at home again…


HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! We thank all that cared and shared. “Mya is home safe and sound!!! Lost Dog Network knows their stuff, Ann…it worked !!!!! Thank you so much!!!” (4.16.17 – 4.20.17)

Breed or Mix:  Shepherd/ Beagle mix

Sex: Female, Age: 3 years

Collar/Tags: Purple collar with vet tag for Sackville Animal Hospital

Lost on: 04/16/2017

Area: Bible Hill, Colchester, NS

Additional Notes: Mya has short fur, colors of a shepherd. Approx 50 pounds. She is very very skittish, please do not chase or approach or she will run. The clip on her collar broke and she took off. She is microchipped.
She is not familiar with the area she is in right now. REPORT SIGHTINGS Immediately, Thank you!

Please Contact: …


  1. Deb Hill submitted this update

    My husband and I saw a dog wandering in the field below our house. It fits the description of your lost puppy. She was just travelling in circles around the field. I tried to call her from my back door but no response.
    We live in Upper Onslow.

  2. laura submitted this update

    I think I seen her in Shelby village brookside, could have crossed over by scotia pool.

  3. Nancy submitted this update

    I just heard from my husband he saw Mya on FoxHIl Dr, BH yesterday (Sunday)around 4pm. By the time he got shoes on to go see her she was gone 🙁  

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