HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dogs: Farmville, Lunenburg Co., NS — Standard Poodles, Males, Both 2 Yrs — “Hardy & Finn”

Hardy & Finn

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! Thanks so much to Brian of Animal Control for letting us know that these two very lucky dogs are safe once again. Yeah!!! Thanks to all who cared and shared. Yippee!! (3.15.17 – 3.15.17)

Breed or Mix: Standard Poodles

Sex: Male, Age: Both 2 Yrs

Collar/Tags: No

Lost on: 03/15/2017

Area: Farmville, Lunenburg, NS

Additional Notes: Hardy and Finn took off during a walk on the Back Cornwall Rd.
MALE: Standard Poodle, 2 years old, apricot coat, slight white blaze on chest, no collar, very friendly. NAME: Hardy
MALE: Standard Poodle, 2 years old, chocolate coat, no collar, nervous of strangers, may act aggressively if frightened. NAME: Finn

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