HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: Yarmouth, Yarmouth Co., NS — Beagle/Shepherd Mix, Male, 7 years old — “Duke”



HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! YEAH!!! Amazing news today, beautiful Duke was caught in a live trap last night and is home. His owner worked with sightings this week and Joey’s Big Trap to finally get Duke to safety. He had lost his muzzle, thankfully, and was found in the same general area he was sighted in a month ago. Huge thank you to all those who cared so deeply, searched so hard to help Duke. Dog’s never stopped amazing me. Thank you so much to all who cared and shared his info. YIPPEEEE!!!!! (3.14.17 – 4.30.17)

Breed or Mix: Beagle/Shepherd mix

Sex: Male, Age: 7 years old

Collar/Tags: A green collar with a muzzle

Lost on: 03/14/2017

Area: Yarmouth, Yarmouth Co., NS

Additional Notes: He had a muzzle on when I had seen him . He only has it on for barking is is very friendly. The muzzle was ordered by the vet for his barking only (Note from NSLDN: Please remember what is most important now is getting this dog back home, thank you for understanding)

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  1. Heather submitted this update

    A dog matching this description just ran by the Yarmouth Justice Center (3:30pm) towards South End, through the backyards towards Barnard Street area. He had a muzzle on his mouth.

  2. Shelley LeBlanc submitted this update

    Duke was spotted on the Yarmouth Golf Course earlier this morning.

  3. Shelley LeBlanc submitted this update

    Duke was spotted near the Windless Restaurant on Kelly’s Cove about an hour ago.

  4. Hutchins Sue submitted this update

    The last report I read, elsewhere, was that he was heading toward the south end of Yarmouth. He had been hanging around the Chebogue peninsula all week. The SPCA says he can eat and drink with the muzzle on, which is a relief. He seems to be moving quickly, which indicates he is still relatively healthy. Perhaps as he gets closer to Town, someone can guide him home.

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