HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! We thank all that cared and shared. “Gizmo is home safe with his friends!!!! Thanks so much for posting in facebook. If it wasnt for this group i wouldn’t have found him” (3.27.17 – 3.28.17)
Breed or Mix: Shih Tzu
Sex: Male, Age: 7
Collar/Tags: Collar and tags are blue
Lost on: 03/27/2017
Area: Porters Lake Park, Halifax, NS
Additional Notes: DO NOT CALL THE NUMBER ON THE TAG. The owner is currently on a long flight to New Zealand. Instead, call her daughter: … Gizmo was scared by a bigger dog and took off. He went missing around 4pm March 27th. He’s a pretty friendly dog but might take some coaxing by snack to get him to come to you. He’s a typical Shih Tsu, bulge eyes and an under bite. He recently had a hair cut so he’s looking pretty fly.
Please Contact: …
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