HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Found: Roaming Dog: Shubenacadie, East Hants Co., NS — 2 AmStaff Mixes, 1 Male 1 Female, Adults — “Unknown”


HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! Thanks to Animal Control for keeping these dogs safe and to those that quickly put two and two together to reunite these gorgeous dogs with their family. Thanks to all that cared and shared their info. YIPPEE!! (3.21.17 – 3.23.17)

Breed or Mix: AmStaff mix

Sex: 1 Male and 1 Female, Age: Adults

Collar/Tags: None

Found on: 03/21/2017

Area: Shubenacadie, East Hants, NS

Additional Notes: Male and Female AmStaff mixes found roaming together.

Please Contact: Please cross post and if you have any information contact: East Hants Dog Control at 902-883-7098 ext. 207



  1. Joey submitted this update

    I don’t think anyone should be judging these owners if they don’t know them. I do know them and know how much they adore their dogs and equally important, how much their dogs adore them!!

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