HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dogs: Smiths Cove, Digby Co., NS — Beagles, Both 4 yrs, Kasie: Female and Desmond: Male — “Kasie and Desmond”


Kasie and Desmond

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! We thank all the cared and shared. We thank all for keeping ‘pawsitive’ thughts. Their adventure is over and now is time for their ‘Mom’ to keep off her knee! Both are doing well, though a bit stiff – time for the family to relax. (2.28.17 – 36.17)

Breed or Mix: Beagles

Sex: Kasie: Female and Desmond: Male, Age: Both 4 yrs

Collar/Tags: Kasie: Pink hunting collar with a bell and Desmond: Orange hunting collar

Lost on: 02/28/2017

Area: Smiths Cove, Digby Co., NS

Additional Notes: Kasie: Small, very loveable, very fast, a sook. Desmond: Short hair, course, very friendly, tons of freckles

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  1. Kendra weir submitted this update

    There were possible sighting in smiths cove by the 101! We found tracks in Lansdowne two days in a row! Offering and reward of 200$ for a safe return!

  2. Kendra weir submitted this update

    Found today at 130 :))

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