HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dogs: Lower Cornwall, Lunenburg Co., NS — Standard Poodles, Males, 2 years old — “Hardy and Finn”


Hardy and Finn

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! We thank all that cared and shared. We thank the sighter who reported to Animal Control so the owners knew where to look. Good Job. (2.21.17 – 2.22.17)

Breed or Mix: Standard Poodles

Sex: Males, Age: Both are under 2 years old

Collar/Tags: None

Lost on: 02/21/2017

Area: Lower Cornwall, NS, Nova Scotia, NS

Additional Notes: Large chocolate brown poodle is Finn and smaller golden poodle is HardyLarge brown poodle is probably very scared and tends to act aggressively when scared. Golden poodle is very sweet and calm.

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