Jazz and Rocky
HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah! We thank all that cared and shared. We thank the finder for bringing them back home where they are loved. Well done! (1.26.17 – 1.26.17)
Breed or Mix: Jazz: Border Collie Mix and Rocky: Shepherd/AmStaff Mix
Sex: Jazz: Female and Rocky: Male, Age: Jazz: 7 months and Rocky: 4 yrs
Collar/Tags: Jazz: Pink Collar and Rocky: Black Collar
Lost on: 01/26/2017
Area: New Germany, Lunenburg, NS
Additional Notes: FEMALE: Border Collie mix, 7 months old, half black on face, black years, white body with black spot on lower back, wearing a pink collar. NAME: Jazz MALE: Shepherd/ AmStaff mix, 4 years old, black and tan coat, wearing a black collar. NAME: Rocky BOTH are very friendly. Last sighted in North River.
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