HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! From one of TJ’s new friends: “TJ the beagle home safe & sound as of this morn!!!!
” Thanks so much to all who reported sightings, helped share his info, and to Colchester Animal Control. Also, well done by his family and friends working so hard to get him home. Yippee!! (12.8.16 – 12.10.16)
UPDATE: Owner Found: 12.9.16 – “Dogs name is TG we lost him on 07 Dec in that area. It was reported to us that there was another beagle lost in the same area. TG has orange collar and bell. Pls contact if any more info…” The owner is out searching this area now. Thanks, please keep sharing…
Breed or Mix: Beagle
Sex: Male, Age: Older Adult
Collar/Tags: Orange Collar with bell
Sighted on: 12/08/2016 (has been seen in area since 12/03/16)
Area: Lanesville/South Branch, Colchester Co., NS
Additional Notes: Spotted roaming dog – my son was hunting today on South Branch Road in Stewiacke. There is a roaming Senior Beagle, black/white with a brown head, wearing an orange collar with bell on it. He and his friends tried to catch him but the dog is very fearful and runs when being approached. Apparently the dog has been seen roaming since Saturday, a couple of residents in the area have tried to catch the poor thing, to no avail. The dog is exhausted. My Son gave him his lunch today as the poor thing is starving…They live in Halifax and hated to leave without the dog.
Please Contact: Please cross post and if you have any information contact: Colchester County Animal Control at 902-897-3170 …
We looked for TJ for 8 hours today with no luck. He was reported to us that he make it to Cloverdale. Thanx to all who are providing tips
It was reported that he was seen on Cloverdale Rd 09 Dec approx 1030am