HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dogs: MacLellans Brook, Pictou Co., NS — Two Great Pyrenees, Athena: Female, 4 and Thor: Male, 4 — “Athena and Thor”



Athena and Thor

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! From their happy family: “They’ve made their way home – thanks for the phone calls” Thanks to all who cared and shared… YIPPEE!! (12.11.16 – 12.11.16)

Breed or Mix: Two Great Pyrenees

Sex: Athena: Female and Thor: Male, Age: Both 4 yrs old

Collar/Tags: Athena: Leather collar and Thor: Orange collar

Lost on: 12/11/2016

Area: MacLellans Brook (outside New Glasgow), Pictou, NS

Additional Notes: Athena: large white and friendly – black around her eyes and around the edge of her ears. Fur has started to yellow a bit for the winter. Thor: Large white, friendly – droopy eyes, fluffy ears. Was in our yard and we think he and his sister took off after a deer or rabbit

Please Contact: …


  1. Karen Klein submitted this update

    They’ve made their way home – thanks for the phone calls

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