HAPPY ENDING: Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: Ostrea Lake, Halifax Co., NS — Beagle, Female, 1.5 yrs — “Rosie”



HAPPY ENDING: Safe n’ Sound! Yeah! Thanks to all who cared and shared Rosie’s info, she has been found and is safe. (11.25.16 – 11.29.16)

Breed or Mix: Beagle

Sex: Female, Age: 1.5 yrs

Collar/Tags: Black collar with yellow reflector

Lost on: 11/25/2016

Area: Ostrea Lake, Halifax, NS

Additional Notes: Yesterday morning she got let out around 7:20 am. And has not been back. She does this often as i have 3 young children that let her out by mistake… She is a runner… But she didnt come home last night and is still not home!! She is very friendly and might try to run if approached – loves to play.

Please Contact: …



  1. Maureen McKay submitted this update

    Saw this small beagle on Friday morning around 8AM right on Ostrea Lake Road on our way home. I know that was 2 days ago but we will keep our eyes open and if we see her again we will stop. Maureen and Gord McKay, Ostrea Lake Road

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