HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: Deep Cove, Lunenburg Co., NS — English Springer Spaniel, Female, 11 years old — “Alex”



HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! We thank all that cared and shared. “We got her!!!!!!!! Marc is bringing her (to the Vet) to be assessed but seems ok ( well mobile ) Will update further shortly. Thank you from the bottom of our 💕” (11.29.16 – 12.5.16)

Breed or Mix: English Springer Spaniel

Sex: Female, Age: 11 years old

Collar/Tags: Purple Daisy collar with rabies tag (SOS scan tag)

Lost on: 11/29/2016

Area: Deep Cove, Lunenburg, NS

Additional Notes: Liver and white coat, greying around eyes

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