HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah! We thank all that cared and shared. Sweet Macy was found! “she was 3 streets over almost out to Pictou Rd! … I were driving around and she was sitting on someones front lawn. You could tell she was totally lost! She was some excited to see me!! ” (10.14.16 – 10.14.16)
Breed or Mix: Chihuahua
Sex: Female, Age: 3
Collar/Tags: No tags or colors
Lost on: 10/14/2016
Area: Bible Hill, Colchester, NS
Additional Notes: Short hair. Light tan colour with white markings. Very shy & skittish of strangers. Will probably take off if approached. Hates the cold! Put her outside today & something may have spooked her & she took off?! She never goes very far or is outside very long especially in the cold!
Please Contact: …
Thanks everyone for the shares she’s been found! 🙂