HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! From hi happy family: “Piper has been found, and brought back home to us m
” Thanks so much to the great folks that cared and shared Pipers info, just wonderful. And a huge thanks to those that were able lure in Pipe’s and get him to safety. YIPPEE!! (9.20.16 – 9.30.16)
UPDATE: 9.24.16 – ***REWARD OFFERED*** For any information that will lead to the safe return of Piper to his family. Please share again, thank you.
Breed or Mix: Pug
Sex: Male, Age: 17 weeks
Collar/Tags: No collar
Lost on: 09/20/2016
Area: New Glasgow, Pictou, NS
Additional Notes: Piper is beige, with a dark face, dark ears, and a darker strip going down his back. Piper was last seen between 9 and 9:30am on Monday, September 20th. Piper was let out into our back enclosure where he normally is to do his morning business, and we assume he had squeezed through one of the holes, or he had dug under the fencing. Piper had not yet eaten, or drank anything. Piper is extremely loveable, although he may growl or bark to a new person- he is completely harmless although due to him being a young pup he does like to chew. He is not being vicious, he just loves to play. At home, Piper has one brother, and two sisters as well as a very loving, and caring family. We miss him beyond belief. We have notified all of our neighbors around, we have called our local radio stations, we have posted all over social media. We have spent all hours outside searching for him, going into the wooded areas, going all outside along the wood line, we have covered all of our back roads, we have left his toys outside in the hopes of him catching the scent. We have food outside for him, as well as blankets and such to help draw him to the scent. We have taken our other dogs with us, in the hopes of picking up his scent. Any help is greatly appreciated. All we want is our baby back.
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