HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: Beaver Bank, Halifax Co., NS —Husky, Female, 7 — “Freya”



HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! From her happy family: “Found her!!” Thanks so much, once again, to all those that cared and shared Freya’s info. Yippee!! (9.18.16 – 9.19.16)

Breed or Mix: Husky

Sex: Female, Age: 7

Collar/Tags: Blue collar and black tag

Lost on: 09/18/2016

Area: Beaver Bank, Halifax, NS

Additional Notes: Very skittish around people, will not be easy to catch

Please Contact: …



  1. Eleanor Coolen submitted this update

    So happy you found her had a bad night worrying about her. Had a male that lived 12 years as our favorite love and he did a runner on me 3 times in his lifetime but I managed to find him every time. Last time was the worst cause I have arthritis now so I had to drive around calling and I must have sounded pretty desperate. Cause when I found him as he came to me he looked so upset. I think I scared him with my terror of what could happen that last time and he never did it again.

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