HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: Wellington, Halifax Co., NS — Bichon/Shih tzu, Male, Senior — “Mr.Banks”




HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! From his very happy family: “Mr. Banks has been found!! Thanks to lost dog network for their help on quick return of our dog. My kids are so happy.” Thanks so much to all those that cared and shared Mr. Banks info… it works! Yippee!!! (8.7.16 – 8.7.16)

Breed or Mix: Bichon/Shih tzu

Sex: Male, Age: Senior

Collar/Tags: Blue collar with bones on it/microchipped

Lost on: 08/07/2016

Area: Wellington, Halifax Co., NS

Additional Notes: Mr. Banks was lost around lunchtime on Sunday August 7th. He has a noticeable rear limp and is super friendly with shaggy brown hair. He does have a tattoo in his ear and has a microchip. We don’t imagine he has gone too far but hasn’t been seen since this morning.

Please Contact: …


  1. Derek submitted this update

    Mr. Banks has been found!! Thanks to lost dog network for their help on quick return of our dog. My kids are so happy.

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