HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: Linacy, Pictou Co., NS — Black Lab/Shepherd Mix, Female, 11 years old — “Chev or Chevy”



Chev or Chevy

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! From her very happy family: “She’s been found safe and sound! She apparently spent the evening at the Glen Lovat Golf Club golfing with some seniors. She returned there this morning and the club house owner called the number on her tag. We have retrieved her and she is home. Thanks for the assistance!!” Thanks to all who cared and shared this sweeties info… of course, it doesn’t say much for those golfers that they needed a ‘retriever’ during their round, but we are so glad Chevy is home and safe! (8.7.16 – 8.8.16)

Breed or Mix: Black Lab/Shepherd mix

Sex: Female, Age: 11 years old

Collar/Tags: Plaid collar with gold bone shapped tag

Lost on: 08/07/2016

Area: Linacy, Annapolis, NS

Additional Notes: Completely black except grey chin hair. Two bald spots on her elbows. Very mild temperament. If her collar is on, it should have her name Chev, my phone number on it and SPCA identifying number

Please Contact: …


  1. bonniekeddy@hotmail.com submitted this update

    hi, does not seem like same dog but. today a couple helped out a black lab near where stewaicke river meets trunk two. They have this lab with them in their home, Meaghers grant NS seemed confused, lOoked similar, heavier. big dog, no collar, WE coaxed him or her down a hill through ditch….really nice dog, looked healthy but conrfused andhot. who knowS! I will repost to friends in Meahgers grant and maybe they can figure it out. the couple own two dogs themselves so said would contact animal rescue. Wish i had their names.

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