HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: Colby Village, Dartmouth, Halifax Co., NS — Keeshond, Female, 12 — “Shasta”




HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! Thrilled to hear this sweetie is now going to be headed home. Thanks to those that got her to safety and Animal Control/Homeward Bound City Pound for keeping her safe. Thanks to those that shared leads and her info…so many that care and share – gotta love it! (8.1.16 – 8.1.16)

Breed or Mix: Keeshond

Sex: Female, Age: 12

Collar/Tags: No collar/microchip

Lost on: 08/01/2016

Area: Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, NS

Additional Notes: Medium sized. Long hair… No collar.. Limping(maybe) injured front paw…Loose front tooth

Please Contact: …


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