The Happy Ending! Yeah!!

Lola – Lolabelle
HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! We were so privileged to be witnesses to Lola’s reunion with her Mom. A huge thanks to John, pictured here with Lynne and Lola moments after being reunited, and his wife Jana who saw her in their driveway. John tried to lure her towards him but she wasn’t having any of that. Luckily he was very determined to safe this little dog. John followed her down the road until she finally jumped the ditch and headed for cover. After searching with no success he headed home to find the owner but found us, Lynne and others, talking at the other end of the road. John drove Lynne, Lola’s Mom right to the spot she left the road not 15 minutes earlier. We came up after talking to some neighbours about the sighting and pulled over in the area and she just popped out of the brush onto the road. With all my training I went down low, really low, laying flat on the ground… that’s when I realized I was between Lola and her Mom, blocking her way. So much for helping!! Haha… Sure enough, I carefully moved to the side and Lola went right to Mom. Awe, it gave me chills and damp eyes. So beautiful. Big thanks to Jana and John, and all those that helped in the search. Thanks to all who cared and shared Lola’s info as well. We had just arrived when all this took place and it was a privilege to witness. YIPPEE!!! (7.31.16 – 8.1.16)
Breed or Mix: Longhaired Chihuahua
Sex: Female, Age: 15
Collar/Tags: Red collar
Lost on: 07/31/2016
Area: West Lawrencetown, Halifax, NS
Additional Notes: She is 15 years old and about 4lbs. No teeth mostly tan colour with a very fluffy tail. Very gentle she is a little afraid of people but will come to gentle coaxing. Something scared her on the beach and she ran over the dune into the sea grass. We have walked the beach for 2 hours and are very worried and she frets too
Please Contact: …
Well we walked the beach from when she went missing 8-8:30 am and stayed until 1 pm then took to checking West Lawrencetown Rd and walked the beach where the tide goes into the Lawrencetown Lake on Mac Donald house side to see if we could see her on the opposite shore. Home and printed poster thanks to the Lost Dog Network and just got back after putting up 20 of them. Will go back after supper to see if she may come out of where ever she is once the beach quiets down. Worried sick about her, thank you to everyone who has shared this, it is very much appreciated. Lynne
Just got home after 9pm good thing Lola was seen on Moss Close 2:30-3pm. Going back in the morning.
We were back at the by 7am and searched it again, still no sign or sightings of her.
I just drove down and back west Lawrencetown rd and then Conrod between 12 & 1. Will check around 5 ish again when I go to town to pick my husband up from work. Keep our fingers crossed <3