HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: Spryfield, Halifax Co., NS — Beagle, Female, 3 — “Rosie”




HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! From his very happy owner: “I got her back!!!!!!!! A lovely couple manged to get her to come close with the help of their dog and then snatch her up! Thank you sooooo much for your help. I am so incredibly happy and relieved! Thank you!!!” Thanks to Rosie’s determined new owner for never giving up. Thanks so much to those that reported sightings. And thanks to all who cared and shared her info. It works!! YIPPEE!!! (7.31.16 – 8.22.16)


UPDATE: 8.20.16 – Possible Sighting: Woodcrest Ave., Green Acres Subdivision, Spryfield, … A Beagle, believed to be Rosie was sighted in the Woodcrest Ave area on Friday night, August 19. This would make sense as it’s in the direction of the last known sighting. Please share Rosie’s info again as more sightings are needed. Thank you!


UPDATE: 7.31.16 around 7:00 p.m. – Sighting: End of Gemstone Ct., Leiblin Park, Spryfield, NS – ran behind house and into the woods. Very scared. Please report sightings immediately. Do Not Chase, Call to, Whistle or Clap at this dog as she is very skittish. Report sightings immediately, thank you.

Breed or Mix: Beagle

Sex: Female, Age: 3

Collar/Tags: No collar, she is microchipped

Lost on: 07/31/2016

Area: Spryfield, Halifax, NS

Additional Notes: She is a ~3 year old female beagle with a black overcoat (saddle), brown head and white legs with brown poke-dots (ticking). She is very shy and is most likely hiding somewhere away from noises / people. She is NOT aggressive and is safe to approach. She will most likely try to run away though.

She managed to wiggle out of her harness in the afternoon of July 31 and proceeded to run from Williams Lake Road across Hering Cove Road towards the Spryfield Sobeys area which is where I lost sight of her.

Please Contact: …


  1. wendy slaunwhite submitted this update

    She was in my yard at 6:30 on Friday morning we tried to get her to come to us but she wouldn’t she took off down the street we tried to follow her in the car and she took off behind some homes. I will keep an eye out for her but my neighbors have also seen her and tried to get her to come to them so i say she is still in our area. Please feel free to contact me and i can give you our address. 902-830-8927

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