HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! We thank all that cared and shared. We thank all the cared and shared. “Benji was found in Hantsport, I got many calls from people who saw the ad you guys posted and they where able to point me in the right direction as to where they saw him last! … Thank you so much for all the help and advice!! Thanks to everybody for all the help! Benji is home safe and sound!!!” (7.1.16 – 7.2.16)
Breed or Mix: Australian Shepherd/Poodle mix
Sex: Male, Age: 1.5 yrs
Collar/Tags: No
Lost on: 07/01/2016
Area: Hantsport, Hants Co., NS
Additional Notes: He has a medium length coat, it’s black white and grey. He has white on his chest and paws. His right back leg is fully black. His tail is curled and has long hair. He is extremely friendly. He has no identifying chips on him and he broke his collar and name tag off when the Canada day fireworks went off in Hantsport.
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