HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! From his Family: “Thanks EVERYONE .. it was him and he’s back home !!” Fantastic news. Thanks to the kind people that kept him safe and those that cared and shared his info… YIPPEE!!! (7.17.16 – 7.17.16)
Breed or Mix: Pomeranian Mix
Sex: Male, Age: Older Adult
Collar/Tags: Red collar with blue/green/orange stripes. No tag.
Found on: 07/17/2016
Area: Cole Harbour, Dartmouth, NS
Additional Notes: Black long haired pomeranian mix found wandering around our yard at 4:30 this afternoon. Dog is very friendly. Dog is mostly black with a little grey on his snout under his nose and has white on his chest and the tips of his paws.
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