HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Sighted: Roaming Dog: Mount Uniacke, Hants Co., NS — German Shepherd, Male (?), Adult — “Unknown”




HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah! We thank all that cared and shared. Special WOOF OUT to Crystal who notified us so we all could assist by sharing. Well done all. (6.10.16 – 6.10.16)

Breed or Mix: German Shepherd

Sex: Male ?, Age: Adult

Collar/Tags: Unknown

Sighted on: 06/10/2016

Area: Mount Uniacke, Hants Co., NS

Additional Notes: Shiny coat, was spotted around Ardoise, NS at 7:51pm on Friday, June 10. Was running from yard to yard. Not sure whether male or female. No collar noted, but fur is long.

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