HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: West LaHave, Lunenburg Co., NS — Shih Tzu, Female, 1 year — “Chevy, Sissy”



Chevy, Sissy

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! We thank all that cared and shared. We thank all that reported sightings. Sweet Chevy successfully went into the live trap. (6.25.26 – 7.2.16)

Breed or Mix: Shih tzu

Sex: Female, Age: 1 year

Collar/Tags: Camo harness with a lime green and hot pink flower

Lost on: 06/25/2016

Area: West LaHave, Lunenburg Co., NS

Additional Notes: My dog got scared and ran off. She is timid, so you have to approach her easily. Her name is Chevy, she’s a small white Shih tzu with some light brown on her. She’s wearing a camo harness with a lime green and hot pink flower on it. She was being chased down the driveway and just kept running. She is my everything and I will be devastated if she isn’t found.

Please Contact: …


  1. Jessica submitted this update

    Chevy has been spotted 5 times so far. She is thankfully in the same area. Closer to the Pentz Road. Hoping to bring our baby home very soon

    • Janet Chernin submitted this update

      Hello Jessica,

      Good news that you have had multiple sightings in a specific area. It is important to let her establish her safe zone. If you see her slowly go low and sit down or even lie down. Do not look directly at her. Do keep some high resource food on you … like a stinky MacDonald’s burger. Toss in an underhand manner and gently towards her. Let’s hope that she comes into you today.

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