HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dogs: Thorburn, Pictou Co., NS — Harley: Border Collie/Springer Spaniel Mix, Male, 6 yrs & Kawi: Border Collie/ Shepherd Mix, Female, 4 yrs — “Harley & Kawi”




HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! We thank all that cared and shared. Harley made his own way home. We thank those that reported the sightings of Kawi and the finder who assisted so she too could make it home safely. Well done. (5.17.16 – 5.18.16)

Breed or Mix: Harley: Border Collie/Springer Spaniel mix and Kawi: Border Collie/ Shepherd mix

Sex: Harley: Male & Kawi: Female, Age: Harley: 6 yrs & Kawi: 4 yrs

Collar/Tags: Black collar with electronic fence

Lost on: 05/17/2016

Area: Thorburn, Pictou, NS

Additional Notes: MALE: Border Collie/Springer Spaniel mix, 6 years old, white with tan mask and tan markings, wearing a black collar. NAME: Harley FEMALE: Border Collie/Shepherd mix, 4 years old, tan coat with white on face, white on neck and chest, long white sock on right front paw, white tips on other paws, wearing a black Ecollar. NAME: Kawi Both went missing on May 17/16.

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