HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: Kentville, Kings Co., NS — Chihuahua, Male, 7 — “Teak”




HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! We thank all that cared and shared. We thank those that kept looking and retraced steps. Teak was found not far from his home in the ravines. Welcome back home wee one! (5.25.16 – 5.28.16)

Breed or Mix: Chihuahua

Sex: Male, Age: 7

Collar/Tags: Brown leather collar with blue name tag attached.

Lost on: 05/25/2016

Area: Kentville, Kings, NS

Additional Notes: Dog went missing at approx 4:00 pm yesterday afternoon (5.25.16). Last seen heading down street towards the NEEDS store/ NATALIE’S PIZZA SHOP on the flat. He may not be easy to approach. Please call the owner right away.

Please Contact: …


  1. Caralotta comeaub submitted this update

    Please take comfort in knowing I am praying for your dear little friend , and have been since my friend Yvonne told me yesterday , she is also a friend of yours Debbie , again prayers for your fur baby , ❤️.

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